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Your True Colors come Shining through with Blue Full Libra Moon

Two full moons in January and now two more full moons in March. Wow! You know 2018 is a big year when it starts like that! Relationships are the focus of this Blue Full Moon at 10 degrees Libra happening March 31, 2018 at 5:36 AM PST/8:36 AM EST.

The Libra Full Moon is called the “Artist’s Moon”. The Artist’s Moon is about the creative joy of the love between Artist and the Muse. In this energy, you see Art everywhere and each moment becomes an opportunity to add more color, expression and authenticity to your life. Art can also be a communication tool for social justice and speak 1,000s of words with a few brush strokes. Bring this energy into your relationship with yourself so that it can brighten how you connect with others.

Full Moon Energetics 101:

Full Moon energy is about releasing and letting go. Celebrate and come together. It’s the fullness of your New Moon in Pisces (as well as Aries New Moon intentions on 4/15/18). It’s truly the celebrations of your breakthroughs. Letting go of what no longer serves you in moving forward as a new expanded version of you. The energy is heightened and coming into fullness. Ovulation, conception and bursting open to receive! Feel the power! Because …

You got some deep work cut out for you this week. There is a T-Square to Mars (Warrior Boss) and Saturn (King Boss) who want to set a foundation of new rules and Mercury retrogrades with the Sun to oppose the Full Moon. Emotional communication in relationships will require you to connect to your Heart (not your reactive mind) as you seek to reclaim your power. The Universe gives you a Mystical Rectangle to harmonize your inner Soul. The secret of the Mystic Rectangle is to harmonize it’s oppositions. They are the Sun and Full Moon and the North and South Node. Those who are journeying with my Soul Purpose Series are becoming so powerful with the North and South Nodes!

A Harmony of Octaves:


The Moon’s energy speaks to your ability to acknowledge all people as human beings. You are invited to learn about one another through your intuition. Seeing people from your heart opens the door to better and kinder relationships. Let the Full Moon release and let go of judgmental opinions and logical, head over heart ways of communicating. Have courage (New Moon in Aries coming up) to see each other with an unconditional love. Your relationships are moving into seeing each other as teachers carrying messages of truth.

The Sun’s energy shows that it’s time to be in charge of your sovereignty. Have integrity to own your sense of Self and be disciplined – physically, spiritually or emotionally. Be in control of your own destiny. Discipline your thoughts, emotions and actions. Use this self-initiation to harmonize your emotional Self in your relationships to create mystical magic!

The North Node is at 13 Leo: “CHERUB-LIKE, A HUMAN SOUL WHISPERS INTO EVERY RECEPTIVE EAR, SEEKING TO MANIFEST” and the South Node is at 13 Aquarius: “A TRAIN ENTERING A TUNNEL”. Here you are invited to balance your Soul growth by attuning to your heart. Feel your inner Cherub whisper to you how to ascend. Balance this with releasing a soul pattern around enforcing your will in the dark. Instead of penetrating the unknown, listen to the softer yearnings of your heart’s rhythm and dance.

Mercury Crosses the Sun:

Mercury (12 Aries) is crossing the Sun’s path this week. Mercury brings the energetic image of “A BOMB WHICH FAILED TO EXPLODE IS NOW SAFELY HIDDEN FROM DISCOVERY”. Mercury is volatile if you ignore the inner push to reflect upon your ego. There are explosive elements in need of discharging in the Collective Unconscious. Release the valve on this pressure carefully by slowing down your mind. Be mindful of reactive behaviors. Be an example of how calmness and quiet can neutralize any bombs. Send Reiki and energetic Roses to public tantrums and frustrations. Be the diffuser!

T-Square to Mars and Saturn:

T-Square to Mars (7) and Saturn (8) from the Sun-Moon octave. Mars “BIRDS IN THE HOUSE SINGING HAPPILY”. Saturn “AN ANGEL COMES CARRYING A HARP”. The T-square brings your focus of the energy to a head. Stay in the octave energy of the Sun and Moon and focus on the vibration of Saturn and Mars. Mars is exalted and Saturn is home in Capricorn. Where is your song that you sing to make all well? That is where to fuel your reactive power – stay a cool-minded Warrior. Saturn is the Lord of Time and Oak King of his castle. Allow your Inner Angel to be your personal authority. Utilize the power of the stringed instruments to bring you back to your center and ground. By doing this, you got this Full Blue Moon energy in the palm of your hand.

Ending of a Soul Cycle for the High Priestess:

Chiron at Ingress 29 Pisces squares Vesta at 29 Sagittarius. Chiron “A MAJESTIC ROCK FORMATION RESEMBLING A FACE IS IDEALIZED BY A BOY WHO TAKES IT AS HIS IDEAL OF GREATNESS, AND AS HE GROWS UP, BEGINS TO LOOK LIKE IT”. Vesta “THE POPE BLESSING THE FAITHFUL”. Venus returns to the Garden of Eden at 0 degrees Taurus “A CLEAR MOUNTAIN STREAM”. Here the Wounded Human Soul can merge with what brings the Soul the most idealized connection to unconditional Love. Discover what that is for you and merge with it. Vesta, the High Priestess, is ready to graduate into more power in Capricorn. Allow the blessings of the Pope as Divine Mother. Receive the blessings of Wisdom, Grace and Mercy for yourself first and humanity second. As you do you align with Venus in the Garden of Eden. Be cleansed, birthed and baptized in the clear mountain headwaters of Nature’s beauty and art of Life!

And remember, Love is All there Is. Splash your rainbow colors all over the world!

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