Sagittarius “High Priest” Full Moon @ 23 degrees ~ June 14, 2022, at 4:52 AM PDT/7:52 AM EDT
The Sagittarius Full Moon expands the energy of the upper Mind that loves to optimize everything it sees. This week your Sagittarius New Moon intentions from December 3, 2021, are coming into fruition. During that time, the Cosmos guided you to plant seeds of galactic well-being. Go back to this time in your life and reconnect to what seeds you sowed then.
This is a scholarly Full Moon that teaches you to understand the sacred texts that bear divine truths and connect you to the joy of a living God/Goddess. Sacred texts like The Vedas, the Bible, the Torah, and the teachings of Lao-Tzu and Rumi are just a few examples of what you can connect with this week.
Sagittarius also brings forth the archetype of the Centaur. The most famous Centaur in the Zodiac is Chiron. Chiron brings you the medicine to heal your soul. To find the bliss that your soul is seeking on its Fool’s journey, you must take time outs for respite. It is not healthy to push forward without ceasing. Check-in with yourself to see if you need to regroup. What spiritual knowledge can you assimilate from your past experiences – especially in your relationships? Allow yourself to surrender instead of feeling frustrated and powerless.
The Gemini Sun brings the energy of fun to the Full Moon. This vibration is similar to the joy children have when they are playing together, completely free and in the moment. Do you remember playing as a child when you were fully in the moment? The Sun reminds you that the spirit of living your life is not fixed and static. It is ever-changing and dynamic. Gemini teaches you to be carefree and in the moment now and to be curious about what is happening all around you. This leads you further onto a path of joy and blissful discovery.
Mars has the most significant power in both the New Moon and Full Moon charts. At the Gemini New Moon, Mars was conjunct Jupiter (the ruler of the Sagittarius Full Moon). Mars is now conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, during the Full Moon. There is expanded healing energy that you can tap into. Mars brings you the power of self-awareness and self-realization for your wellness and well-being. The best meditation you can experience to tap into Mars and Chiron is to see yourself as a person who matters to the world. When you focus on seeing yourself in this way, what do you see? Become that!
Jupiter & Mercury
Jupiter rules the energy of the Sagittarius Full Moon. Jupiter wants you to know that when you follow your path of bliss, you are bringing joy to yourself. This is a noble act of love and kindness. It’s okay to do this! You will be able to learn so much about yourself when you give yourself a life like this. Self-knowledge is key to living a more spiritual life, too.
Mercury rules the energy of the Gemini Sun. Mercury returns to his home sign at 0 degrees Gemini after his recent Mercury retrograde sojourn. Mercury is at a potent placement under the Full Moon’s light. Mercury provides you the gift to see clearly into your unconscious beliefs. These beliefs are steering your life, making choices, and setting you up for success and failure. Tap into Mercury’s energy to see clearly what you unconsciously believe is true.
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Lunar Nodes: Empower the Sun & Moon
The North Node in Taurus is sending a lightning bolt of awareness to the Full Moon. The evolutionary point is guiding you to see that your joyful experience of abundance comes from living your life with integrity. Integrity is born from the alignment of your body and soul in the pursuit of happiness.
The South Node in Scorpio is energizing the Gemini Sun to release and unwind your past. You are guided to make an inward transition of your consciousness. Use your magical mind to let go of what brings you sadness, depression, and despair. Imbue everything with meaning and give ordinary things in your life an extraordinary special value.
T-Square to Neptune
Neptune is the focal point of a T-square created by the Sun and Full Moon. Neptune is the third voice of the Cosmos to guide you to discover the deeper meaning of things in your life. Remember to ask the “why” and the “how” for all circumstances. If you want to know what is really happening in your life and in the Collective, you have to uncover what are the motivations. If you don’t understand what is really happening around you, it is best to wait until you are certain before making a commitment to a specific path. Sometimes, it is hard to see what path is true and clear. Your task now is to get very clear.
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“I feel FIRE and AIR to RELEASE the power of the divine Mind!
- Full Moon Phase: The Full Moon Phase brings your New Moon intentions into fruition. They become signed, sealed, and stamped. On December 3, 2021, was the Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees ~ activating your galactic well-being. How has your life transformed since then?
- The Sagittarius Full Moon is the “High Priest” Moon“: June 14-20, 2022
- The Sagittarius Full Moon passes through the 21st Lunar Mansion ~ “The Duel”
- The Sagittarius Full Moon passes through the 11th Human Design Gateway ~ “Ideas”
- Hint: look to your Sagittarius and Gemini-ruled Houses in your Natal Chart, your Jupiter and Natal Mercury, and 9th & 3rd Houses for your answers.
- The 3rd Quarter Pisces “Moon of Lost Souls”: June 20-27, 2022
- Next New Moon in Cancer: June 28, 2022
- To personalized support: 1:1 Soul Refresh Session.
- Recommendations: Druid Soul Star Past Life Reading, New Client 1:1 Reading, and 1:1 Soul Refresh Session.
Druid Soul Star Past Life Oracle$288.00
New Client 1:1 Session$288.00
Returning Client 1:1 Session$244.00
SABIAN SYMBOL: 23 degrees Sagittarius
“A bluebird standing at the door of a house.”
To become happy, radiate goodwill – we get whatever we merit.
The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon brings you the bluebird of happiness. This symbol shows you to take a moment to connect to how much joy is really in your life and in the world. Happiness is the result of a constant choice to look on the bright side. It takes real work to do this without succumbing to the power of negativity that is all too easy to align yourself with. It takes an enduring and unending faith in the goodness of life to keep you on your path of real joy and bliss. Let the Full Moon strengthen your faith and resolve. Remember that this Full Moon is the answer to the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius from December 3, 2021, where you were guided to start something new on your spiritual path.
The guidance is to remember that you reap what you sow. Step outside of the frenzy and tune into what you are sowing. Remind yourself that you deserve the best in life. It will be from this place that you plant a garden of delight and happiness for yourself and for the world.