Third Quarter Cancer Moon is the “Widow’s Moon” at 9 degrees Cancer on October 2, 2018 at 2:45 AM PST/5:45 AM EST.
This week begins with the Third Quarter Cancer Moon taking you deeper into connecting to the truth of what love and loss is during your life. This is the week of reflection, finding support, letting go and completion. Cancer is the home of the Moon and She nurtures you to float into your emotions, memories and subconsciousness.
Let me take you back to when this lunar cycle began on the 9th day of September under a Virgo New Moon. You set your intentions as Venus opened the Vesica Piscis to enter into the Underworld. The New Moon intended to purify your inner Medicine Woman: body, mind and Spirit. You broke through blocks with the First Quarter Sagittarius “Seeker’s Moon”. You peered into the depths of your Soul consciousness with the Virgo Dream Moon challenge ~ bravo! The Aries Full “Warrior’s Moon” expanded and broke free your true identity as a beloved “I AM!” child of the Universe! Mercury quickened your personal alchemy by raising your Law of Attraction powers. Woohoo! Pluto went direct and there is one less planet in review of you (finally!) Now comes the time to take all that you have experienced during this lunar cycle and reflect upon what and who you need to let go of with the Third Quarter Cancer “Widow’s Moon”.
Widow’s Moon: 3rd Quarter Cancer Moon
The “Widow’s Moon” comes to see what you have lost. The ancient Mother steps into her Rite of Passage as Elder Crone. The Virgo’s Maiden peers into the mirror of Cancer’s Crone to see what you have “lost”. In the physical, a mother’s menstruating body turns to menopause. Relationships change through the dissolution of death or divorce. Children grow up and leave home creating an empty nest. Take this week to reflect upon what you are grieving deep inside. What losses have you had in your life? This week will help you understand how to deal with life’s most devastating times. You are going to tune into your inner Crone to receive a deeper understanding of what is happening in your life. Perceived losses are something more when seen from a deeper place within your Soul.
Super Highway to Heaven: Stay in your Lane!
The Cosmos creates a super highway in the skies for you to travel. A real-life Highway to Heaven is created by two parallel YODS – 150 degree angles that are known as spiritual hands of God. You will want to stay in your lane this week to tune into and receive the spiritual blessings available to you. The 3rd Quarter Moon spiritually connects to the South Node/Lilith-Mars conjunction. Take the wisdom of the Widow’s Moon to unwind trapped bound energy of the power of the primordial Goddess. In the deeper recesses of awakening to your most tragic moments, you break open and free your radiant healing powers at the Collective level.
Leo North Node connects to the Verte, Saturn and Vesta conjunction. You are being prompted to keep your awakenings quiet and to yourself so they can more purely develop. Sometimes showing or over-sharing is the ego’s way of wanting to be seen. This is a Soul-powered journey you are on. Seek instead what brings you together with others instead of setting you apart. Humanity is in a place of rebirthing and the call now is to join in unison and set out on this adventure together. We are on an emotional discovery and learning new rules on how to coexist in peaceful harmony. The Sun shines bright onto this part of the super highway and reveals the power of enjoying the journey with a calm, cool and centered Mind.
Grand Water Trine of Support
The 3rd Quarter Cancer Moon aligns with her sisters Scorpio and Pisces. The Widow’s Moon joins forces with Venus and Neptune. Neptune in Pisces is the higher octave of Venus in Scorpio. This loving alignment uplifts your Feminine energy to release past losses, loves and lives. Neptune retrograde brings the energy of being well rehearsed and ready to be of service to you. Tune into Neptune’s grace that is showering you with blessings this week. Venus in Scorpio is a rescued woman saved from drowning. Your inner values are helping others and bringing a sense of renewed life. Tune into your rescuing nature as a counselor, therapist, or life saver. Tune into if you are in need of counseling, receiving help or having stress and strain lifted so that you can breathe freely again.
The Moon & Sun: Waning Square Seeks Support through Symbols
The Moon and Sun’s degrees open up a layer of deeper understanding when peering through the lens of the Sabian Symbols. The 3rd Quarter Cancer Moon’s Sabian Symbol is the image of “A large Diamond in the First Stages of the Cutting Process”. This image shows you there is help is needed for your evolving consciousness.
The arduous training for perfection in order to fully manifest an ideal.
When your mind is completely formed, the light of understanding will shine brightly through every cell. But this requires work on your part. Meditation is like the transformation of a pond of water into a perfect diamond. Your developing conscious mind needs structure so it can be connected with teachers from higher dimensions. The goal of Universal consciousness is worth the work! As you train your mind for the perfection of a diamond, seek out spiritual guides and teachers that can support you in your journey. Lunar Ladies Club is taking the Virgo Dream Moon challenge to the next level by welcoming in Lama Lhakpa to begin meditation classes and lucid dream training. Only available to VIP Members. Join the Circle today!
The Sun is giving solar support to your 3rd Quarter Cancer Moon’s developing emotional consciousness. The Sun’s Symbol is the image of “After passing through narrow rapids, a Canoe reaches calm waters”.
The self-control and poise necessary to reach a steady state of inner stability.
The Sun’s energy doubles down on the Guru-Chela relationship (Teacher-Student) by impressing the need to take action on developing your inner stability. To truly deal with your emotional life and its crises, you need to have a calm, clear and actualized Mind. Meditation helps you declutter and calm the mind. Lucid dreaming is the “living laboratory” of your meditation practice. Relief comes from inner “revelations” about prior dramatic confrontations and transforms your mind-emotional body into the calm waters and the perfected diamond.
Lunar Cycle Wrap-Up:
What can be more perfect than the ways that this lunar cycle has presented itself?! The 3rd Quarter Cancer “Widow’s Moon” shares with us the deeper secrets of what loss and letting go truly is. As you learn the power and value of your lunar tools: Meditation and Lucid Dreaming give you the ways and means for developing inner stability. Your inner strength of mind and emotions are what is needed to awaken your true state of Wholeness and well-being. This week Venus in Scorpio goes retrograde on October 5th. Tuning into developing your meditation and Lucid Dream practice will save you from drowning over the next 3 months as Venus journeys in the Underworld and back out through January 8, 2019! This is your time to say “Yes!” to supporting yourself with the ancient power tools that the VIP Lunar Ladies Club experience offers. Join the Dream Team and never look back! Solidify your Diamond Mind through practice, inner stability and calm… AUMmmmm …