1st Quarter Cancer “Weeping Moon” at 1 degree on March 21, 2021 at 7:40 AM PST/10:40 AM EST. Lunar week: 03/21-27/2021
The 1st Quarter Cancer Moon arrives with the beginning of Spring. The Sun moves into Aries and the Moon returns home to Cancer. This moment in time brings to you the energy of “Emergence”. The Aries Sun offers you the gift of knowing there are many opportunities to uncover the deeper self in 2021. You are being called to release the power of your personal truth into the world. In lovely Aries fashion, “just do it!”
The Moon bears witness to your rebirth this week. The Great Mother blesses you with a “pioneering spirit” to go beyond your comfort zones. With the help of good fortune, you will be given 11 opportunities to act with goodwill this week. If you witness anyone being treated unfairly or with violence based on the color of their skin, act with courage to protect the vulnerable. This what a “Mama bear” would do. Feel into your power to help when help is needed and have faith that your actions will be blessed.
The 1st Quarter phase of the Cancerian energy is about sadness. This lunar energy is known as the “Weeping Moon”. It is the energy of your inner child (Aries Sun) and what first made you sad. Connect with these memories to help move energy that has been stuck for a long time. The Aries Sun and the energy of Spring will help you with Self-renewal and give you the passion to want more joy in your life in 2021.
1st Quarter Lunar Week Frequency: ENERGETIC BREAKDOWN
1st Quarter Waxing Moon Dynamics: Challenges ~ Decisions ~ Action
“I feel WATER and FIRE to CHANGE old patterns to breakthrough my obstacles this week!”
- 1st Quarter Lunar Phase: First Quarter Moon energetics are about busting through challenges, making clear and powerful decisions, and taking ACTION! The waxing Cancer Moon square builds CARDINAL universal Qi to increase your power.
- The Weeping Moon
- 8th Lunar Mansion “The Gap”
- #15 Human Design Gateway “Extremes”
- Hint: look to your Cancer-ruled House for your answers. Get your Natal Oracle or join us in the Lunar Ladies Club for personalized support.
- To get the full Cosmic downloads, sign up for my Astrological Cosmic Report for the Aries Lunation and weekly Moon Messages delivered right to your Inbox!
: — : 1ST QUARTER PHASE : — :
The 1 degree Cancer Moon moves you through resistance: PIONEERING
“A person suspended over a vast place.”
Contemplation is an aspect of optimal self-management.
The Cancer 1st Quarter Moon brings the power of contemplation into your Cancer-ruled House in your Natal Chart. Together with the Aries Sun, the Cancer 1st Quarter Moon takes you deeper to widen your understanding of your core root Self. As you reconnect to the deeper layers of Self, you can access this wisdom to make decisions and commitments. When you have a deep self-understanding, you can avoid making foolish choices.
I once had a favorite T-shirt that had this message, “Contemplation is a long walk through the corridor of Self”. The Cosmos are sharing with you the importance of taking action to create your own contemplation practice. There are many paths of Contemplation that you can experience. For example, journaling, a conscious stream of writing, walking in silence, walking a labyrinth, or writing your gratitudes, just to name a few (here are more). You can include many types of contemplation practices into your own unique practice. The energetic empowerment this week is to take action to go deeper into your true Self-knowledge and contemplation is a highly favored way!
To get the full Cosmic downloads, join the Lunar Ladies Inner Circle or sign up for my Astrological Cosmic Report for the Aries Lunation and weekly Moon Messages delivered right to your Inbox!