New “Eternal Child’s Moon” at 26 degrees Leo on August 18, 2020 at 7:42 PM PDT/8:42 PM MST/9:42 PM CST/10:42 PM EDT
The Leo Moon, Sun, and Mercury join together to raise your consciousness out of sorrow into bliss. The “Eternal Child’s Moon” is extra special with the presence of Mercury to alight our inner Peter Pan to dream a new life into being. Peter represents the “Puer Aeternus” or Eternal Child. What part of you shall never grow up?
The Leo Sun and Moon harmonize with the fiery nature of Mars in Aries and the South Nodal wave in Sagittarius to create a “triangle of ease”. This is a highly spiritual-energetic that releases the old world and bridges you into the new world.
The Leo Sun and Moon send a lightning bolt YOD of awakening into the Capricorn retrograde stellium of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Saturn is the key as the lightning bolt is exact at 26 degrees. Saturn represents the Old World that is in its final stages of demolition. Leo’s energy this cycle reminds you that it is up to you to live fully in your heart chakra.
Yods are alignments that unstable in Astrology. Their energy comes from a higher dimension of spiritual consciousness. They guide you to connect first with Spirit to understand what is happening and then ground that energy into the earth by fully embodying your experience.
Bridge over Trouble Waters:
The North Node Dragon’s Head appears to liberate you from the past. It’s Sabian Symbol is: “Through bankruptcy, society gives to an overburdened individual the opportunity to begin again.” The South Node Dragon’s Tail appears to reunite you with what are beautiful necessities in your life. The Sabian Symbol is “An old bridge over a beautiful stream still in constant use.” Let yourself let go of troubled waters and be the bridge that crosses over into a world that works.
The North Node in Gemini appears as the spiritual guidepost to direct the energy into your evolutionary future. Gemini is “repolarizing” your mindset to see your world and your life in a new way. What you have come to accept as reality is an inverted, upside representation of truth. Gemini sneaks up to turn you upside down to perceive what is real and what is not. Study the “Hanged Man” major arcana Tarot card for more answers. There are two realities in play. Your task is to discover a world that is primarily smoke and mirrors. That is the fake world. Look away from that landscape and move towards the world that works for you – the one that resonates with your bliss.
Venus square Chiron RX: Healing through Humor
The heart chakra is a bridge. Venus in Cancer comes to nurture your wounded self “Chiron”. Venus brings the power of laughter as medicine to decondition your past childhood wounding. Chiron responds with the desire to develop an inner realization of your divine wholeness. You are not broken. Let humor and laughter be an antidote to life’s pangs and woes.
~ Time to Breakdown the New Moon in Leo! ~
New Moon Dynamics: New Beginning ~ Fresh Start ~ Blank Page
New Moon dynamics embrace the powers of New Beginnings, Fresh Starts, and being a Blank Page. This lunar stage is your invitation to set your intentions and put into conscious motion your next 28-day goals and 6-month big dreams. New Moon Time is consciously washing your Soul free of ego attachments.
A New Moon happens when the Sun and Moon join together at the same degree in the sky. The New Moon is called the Dark Moon, as no sunlight is reflecting upon Her surface. Stillness is the energy state required to powerfully align your intentions with the greater creative forces of the Galaxy. Find your Leo-ruled House in your Natal chart as well as your Natal Moon and 5th House sign to be your guides. Join the Lunar Ladies Club to support your development and acceleration.
Eternal Sun Child’s Moon
Your inner Eternal Sun child is the part of you that laughs freely and enjoys life. Your inner Soul light comes into the world to light others up. This is your “sunshine on a cloudy day” energy. The Leo New Moon gives birth to this aspect of you to bring more of your joy into the world. Where are you the most carefree and self-expressed? Reconnect to your inner Sun child again. Rediscover your “joie de vivre” again and fearlessly shine that energy. Let your joy be infectious and run rampant.
The Sun and Moon, the inner Sun Child’s parents, want your creativity to be ready to uplift the world with your charismatic zeal and talents. Let yourself be in the spotlight and do what you love most. Think back to your own childhood and remember what it was that made you most happy. If it was ice cream, go treat yourself to the best ice cream cone and relish it! If it was drawing pictures, get yourself colored markers and art paper. If you have children, play with them and allow your own inner child to take over for a bit. This is fun and a great way to decompress from the stress of the world!
Pull out your Natal Chart and find your Leo-ruled House. Feel into what new cycle needs to be created. This is powerful; take hold of the wheel and be in the driver’s seat. Connect with Shannon if you need personal 1:1 Coaching. Join the Lunar Ladies Club to experience supportive and safe group coaching with other women who are growing their Souls.
Leo New Moon in the 12th Lunar Mansion: “The Fall”
The Eternal Sun Child’s Moon passes through the 12th Lunar Mansion this cycle. This cosmic mansion of “The Fall” is guarded by Venus and Saturn, generating the energy of “creative rest”. Use creativity to self-express the gifts of the 12th Lunar Mansion. Be honest about your feelings and own your sovereignty. If you bypass this opportunity, you will do a disservice to your sacred heart. There is raw dragon power in the 12th Lunar Mansion. The dragon can be annoyed at the neglect of your human heart or heartened by a regal “Hello” when you make the choice to do your spiritual work. Either way, you will meet the Dragon of the 12th Lunar Mansion.
The Dragon comes to get you in touch with your sovereign power. If you have the arrogance or a false sense of power over others, you open yourself up to experiencing a “fall from grace”. This “fall from grace” may show up in your life as an obstacle or challenge. The Dragon will do you a favor and help this process along with no matter which door of the 12th Lunar Mansion you choose to open. You are encouraged to awaken your own empowered Self over the next six months. To do this, you can invoke your own Guardian Dragon to help. Leave behind self-sacrifice and disempowered ways of being for good. Ask yourself, “How do I give up my power? How do I embody my power?” Ask the Dragon of the 12th Lunar Mansion to assist you in reconnecting to the dragon that guards you.
Human Design Gateway #29: Perseverance
The Leo Moon and Sun pass through the Human Design gateway of Perseverance. This gateway has a habit of saying, “yes” when you really want to say, “no”. Leo’s energy helps you say “yes” to your joy and what lights you up. Gateway 29 reminds you to forego the tendency to betray your own personal happiness. Gateway 29 helps you commit to your joy. Once you are committed to your happiness, you can say “no” to all that is in contrast. Let go of what is not healthy for you, especially surrounding your creativity and self-expression. Persevere no matter what. Your joy is the most important thing in the world!
Leo Moon & Sun Sabian Symbol
“The luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky.”
The Leo Moon and Sun bless you with the power of a new day. As you greet each new day, you generate the Power of Now to install your greatest hopes and dreams for the future. Let yourself be blessed by dawn’s early light.
“O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light”
– Francis Scott Key, The Star Spangled Banner.
This lunar cycle is a great time to make your best plans to move forward in your life. You have all of nature in agreement with your dreams. Begin putting things into motion so that in six months or less, your life will be improved on multiple levels. Let your imagination and “joie de vivre” go wild this month! Let your inner child be free to dream, play, and express. The light is here to awaken you and give you permission to no longer be operating in the dark shadows. You are free to be! Develop new morning routines that support the new you moving forward!
Wrap Up: What’s Next!
Take on the Challenge! “28 days of sunrises”. Get up in the early morning Dawn hours to pray with Venus in the eastern sky and together bring in the luminescence of a new day!
How you interact with the world defines how your life will take shape. Be focused on creating and expressing in the eternal NOW. Peacefully accept that your personal transformation is taking place on its own course directed by Spirit. The barriers between dimensions, realms, and worlds are thin and malleable. You have access to whatever you want to experience because everything is available to you at all times. Return to what really has meaning for you and embrace those things 100%!
- Feel deeply into what you want to manifest and allow that energy to find its way into the world.
- As you increase your understanding of how to use the energy of nature to heal, you will flow more easily into a higher state of wellness.
- Learn to communicate more from your emotional body and you will understand more deeply how to heal yourself.
- As you experience more realities and dimensions, you will be able to connect with the forces of nature to protect yourself with ease.