Virgo New Moon at 11 degrees on September 2, 2024, at 6:56 PM PDT/9:56 PM EDT
The Virgo New Moon and Sun align with your abilities to adapt to change. Virgo’s power emanates from the purity of body, mind, and Spirit. Virgo desires to organize the chaos of the Universe! To put things in their proper place is the goal of Virgo’s higher intelligence.
Virgo’s New Moon emanates the 2nd Decan of the sign that draws forth the cardinal earth power of Capricorn at 1 degree. Capricorn brings to you the energy of your resilient nature. Where in your life have you had to overcome a great challenge? Rediscover that strength within you and apply it to what needs an upgrade in your life. You can utilize this powerful time over the next six months in the areas of your life that Virgo rules in your Natal Chart.
The weakness in the New Moon chart is found in the Asteroid Lucifer at 5 degrees Cancer. Lucifer is helping you align with taking ownership of taking care of your needs first. The shadow of Virgo is to serve from an empty cup, putting everyone else’s needs before your own. Adhere to the celestial guidance of Lucifer that says to “feather your own nest”. This energy gets supercharged under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with Mars changing signs to merge with Lucifer on September 17th.
To successfully align with this energy, get a New Moon Oracle reading. This reading will show you what your personalized soul medicine is for this time, plus the potential over the next six months.
Persephone takes Center Stage
At the time of the New Moon, Venus aligns with her sisters: Lilith, Juno, and the South Node in Libra. The combination of the Sabian Symbol – “A bride with her veil snatched away” and the presence of Lilith, Juno, and the South Node, indicate that Persephone has made her annual mythological appearance. Persephone is the maiden daughter of Demeter, Goddess of the Grain (Virgo) who is kidnapped by Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, while picking a narcissus flower. Her abduction creates the cycle of Fall and Winter. She returns from the Underworld after six months when the world is renewed by Spring and Summer. Read more about the psychology of the Perspephone myth.
Venus personifies Persephone at 5 degrees of Libra. At this degree, Venus wants you to look at where you are being dissatisfied with what you thought was ideal in your life. The presence of the South Node indicates this part of you is from a past life concerning being unable to cope with problems. Lilith helps you with doing shadow work to retrieve your lost power by confronting abandonment and separation issues. Finally, Juno, Goddess of Marriage, reconnects your intuition and clairvoyance once again making you reliant on your own inner guidance.
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Pluto & Mars = Empowers the Future
At the time of the Virgo New Moon, Mars forms a YOD to Pluto at the final degrees of Gemini. This spiritual alignment activates the North Node in Aries at 6 degrees. A higher level of being human emerges from this vibration. You can have more versatility in duality. You can become more spiritual in a material world. How? Take action on seeing the creative potential in each new day that dawns.
Virgo Lunar Cycle: Next 2 Weeks
- New Moon at 11 degrees Virgo Week: 09/02-09/2024
- New Moon Lunar Mansion – 13th: “The Altar”
- New Moon Sabian Symbol: “A bridge with her veil snatched away”
- 1st Quarter Lunar Week in Sagittarius (19 degrees) “Seeker’s Moon”: 09/10-16/2024
- 1st Quarter Lunar Mansion – 21st: “The Duel”
- 1st Quarter Sabian Symbol: “Men cutting through ice.”
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 25 degrees: 09/17/2024 – “A new moon that divides its influences”
The Sabian Symbol Story: 11 degrees Virgo
A bride with her veil snatched away
A person is measured by when they push forward and back away.
The Virgo New Moon brings you the energy of dropping a false face or mask that you make have been wearing since childhood. What old parts of you are ready to be released? What parts of you are ready to be unveiled? The New Moon is preparing you over the next six months to reveal a healthier, more truer version of you. Your psychic abilities are becoming more strong, too, thanks to the stellium of Venus, Lilith, and Juno. Let go of the false ego that is keeping you stuck in old patterns. Feel safe to accept new directions that are coming to improve your life.
The Earth is traveling through the Pisces constellation at 11 degrees. This degree invites you to accept the opportunity to achieve your next spiritual initiation. Examine your spirituality and what you need to feel more content, satisfied, and connected to the Divine. If you find an area in your life that is lacking, seek the help of a more spiritual connection with your Higher Self and Spirit team!
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