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Super Full Moon in Gemini brings Visions of the Future

Happy Super Full Moon in Gemini today, December 13, 2016 at 4:05 PM PST! Today’s Full Moon is the third Super Moon in a row and a Super Moon heightens the Full Moon’s energy even more. This Full Moon expands our sacred awareness through the frequency of 22 degrees Gemini. “22” is a sacred number represented by The World card in the Tarot and the sum of 11 + 11.

I’m calling attention to the double numbers and sacred energy of this degree because Gemini represents The Twins. So with 11 + 11, we have The Twins showing up in all their “oneness”. Gemini energy is quick witted, conversational, the Networker of the Zodiac and very, very changeable. Mercury the ruler of Gemini, has wings on his feet and can travel at the speed of thought!

As the Full Moon’s energy mixes with Gemini, we experience an expansion of mind, thought and emotional listening. Listen to your inner voice and observe if your thoughts are kind and compassionate or judgmental and critical. Gemini wants you to be friends with your inner twin.

Sacred Symbols in the Sky:

The planetary alignment with this Super Full Moon in Gemini is basically astronomical! When you look at the image the trines, sextiles and oppositions make, it appears as an open envelope from the Gods. Have you been waiting for an answer? Praying for a solution? This week, expect the unexpected in the form of miracle messages and angelic helpers.

Let’s start with the Grand Air Trine bringing Full Moon in Gemini, Jupiter in Libra and Mars and Pallas Athena in Aquarius together in perfect harmony. Our emotional mind, our love for harmonic relationships and our passion to emblazon an ideal future are in alignment with each other. Pallas Athena takes the power of Wisdom and womanhood to a new level of strength that will bring forward the future we want into the present here and now.

Next, a Mystical Rectangle lights up the skies as Full Moon opposes Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra. The secret of Alchemy to a Mystical Rectangle is to see the deeper harmony of opposing forces. They are actually one in the same and part of a the same spectrum. As Uranus in Aries wants to liberate herself and identify with her revolutionary self, Jupiter in Libra says to truly do this you must also want to be this to expand the beauty of all your relationship with others.

Full Moon in Gemini wants to express what is emotionally on her mind and have riveting conversations that are nourishing. Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius say to keep in the realm of Spirit, see the bigger picture of yourself and make sure your conversations come from your higher mind. No blame came here. “Forgiveness is an act of consciousness,” says my Yogi Tea bag this morning.

Now that you understand the opposing forces of the Mystical Rectangle, it’s time to utilize the friendly sextile energy. Full Moon and Uranus in Aries become best buddies to help each other become a Soul on Fire and understand the emotional nature of thoughts. Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius walk the Buddhist Path with Jupiter in Libra coming into zen with contraction and expansion. They love to chop wood and carry water together. The joy of discipline and devotion to harmonize social justice and fairness on the planet is their quest.

And the Winner is:

Lot’s of fun soul work to roll up your sleeves with this week. What is most interesting in this planetary alignment is that as the energy is balanced and alchemized, it all points to one place in the skies. As the cosmic envelope is opened, the winner is Mars and Pallas Athena in Aquarius! Yay! This is really amazing as Uranus, ruler of Aquarius is in friendly sextile with Mars and Pallas Athena. So Uranus and his cohort Eris are lending their fiery support to Mars and Pallas Athena.

It’s like Mars and Pallas Athena are the children of Uranus and Eris. The young passionate warrior, Mars is sharing visions of the future with warrior wise woman, Pallas Athena. They are both in the Love Army blazing new pathways for our collective future based on passion, wisdom, courage and power. Look to where Mars and Pallas Athena are showing up in you chart at 25 and 26 degrees Aquarius. Let’s take a look at my example.

For me, Mars and Pallas Athena are in my 9th House super close to the zenith point of my chart, my Midheaven. I am relating to this energy via the 9th House – my spiritual practice, my higher calling, seeing the bigger picture of mine and other’s futures. Aries, ruled by Mars, rules my 11th House (naturally ruled by Aquarius) and my Natal Sun is in my 1st house (naturally ruled by Aries)! And one more, the Super Full Moon is within one degree of my Ascendant and Natal Mercury Retrograde in Gemini! Geez, I’m getting hot just writing about this.

If you need help understanding how this powerful alignment is playing out for you, contact me and I would be happy to decipher your sacred code. Enjoy this powerful week of expansion and revolution. Keep your mind high on the bigger picture, chop wood, carry water, forgive and connect with others of like mind and like heart. And remember Peace, always Peace.

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