Welcome to new beginnings with a New Moon and a new Solar Year! A new Solar Year begins as the first of 13 Moons takes you from the “Day out of Time” July 25 through a solar journey ending with the Cancerian lunar cycle July 24, 2018. The Leo New Moon is the first of two Leo lunar cycles. This one starts at 0 degrees Leo and is called “The Sun Child” Moon breaking through on July 23, 2017 @ 2:45 AM PST/5:45 AM EST.
Hang on, Lovelies! Big energy is afoot and being grounded, centered and conscious is your way to fly. Stay in your awareness of unconscious energy in the Collective noosphere and balance it with love not fear.
You are riding the Leo-Aquarius octave Fire-Air wave of heart-centered expression attracting your Soul Vibe Tribe now. Birds of a feather flock together so be creatively self-expressed and let your freak flag fly high! Your bridge to freedom is what brings you “absoulute” joy and the courage to follow your bliss. This lights up your yellow brick road to the Emerald City. What are you waiting for? Let’s go with the GOD/GODDESS frequency!
Keys to Freedom:
The Sun Child Moon is the happiness of the Innocence – your Inner Child who plays joyfully when you are in tune with your true Self.
There is a sacred, albeit forgotten, Trapezoid energetic alignment available to you this lunar cycle to transfigure yourself into an individualized pure being of Love and Light. Pause for a moment and breathe. That’s big.
This alignment is designed to wake you up (Fire Trine happening with the Solar Eclipse) to your personal and collective Shadow side. The planet Jupiter in Libra says you can easily see this shadow when you look at your relationships with others. Do you dance courageously in your authenticity or do you conform, blame or twist from fear? This Blue Moon-Two Moon Leo lunar cycles gives you two opportunities to open, expand and dive into your own heart’s sacred well of divine Truth. The keys that unlock your Sacred Heart’s door are: play, joy, laughter, love, art and creative self-expression. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are igniting this Soul-switch within you.
Are you Ready for This?
There is a very fascinating alignment in the Heavens on the first New Moon in Leo. It is Trapezoid (or an isosceles trapezoid to be exact) sacred geometry. Do you remember that from elementary school math class? A trapezoid is made up of two parallel lines of different lengths connected by two square or 90 degree angles. This Trapezoid figure has led me onto a very interesting path of discovery! Check it out!
In esoteric understandings, the Soul has two levels: 1) a higher level where its permanent locus is within Itself; and 2) a lower level where it gives birth to Itself as a psycho-somatic being, a Body. Sages of yore all wondered is the Soul inside the body or is the body inside the Soul? According to the Bhagavad Gita, “When we are all in the Heart, the body is in the Soul.” The Soul then becomes a unity within a duality; a containment within a greater whole. As Rumi wrote, “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
Trapezoid sacred geometry holds secrets of Transfiguration, a returning of material memory into Light, the true nature of “GOD”, and becoming a pure being of Love and Light. Researchers contend that the secret knowledge of Transfiguration was removed from biblical writings during the 12th century “Inquisition” era. The information removed was about humanity’s return to Heaven after the Fall from Grace. The natural state of Pure Spirit was described as the Garden of Eden. The Fall from Grace was your descent into the Physical World (Body). There are Four States of Humankind that represent your journey back Home or Ascension through the elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water.
Earth element is the Mortal 3rd Stage of seeing yourself as a son or daughter of man (mother and father). Here you are to remember and realize that you are a son/daughter of GOD/Light. As you realize this conscious state of Being, you give birth to the Logos and you become a living image of the “Word made flesh”.
This individualized awareness ignites the Fire element to bring forth your Awakening Spirit. The heat of this transformation gives “rise” to the Air element which begins your divine transfiguration. As the Air element rises, you are crowned with the Water element which completes your human symbiosis into an individualized being of pure Love and Light.
That gives “Word!” a whole new meaning!
Now back to Astrology:
The planets that are creating this Trapezoid energetic are Neptune in Pisces in sextile to Pluto in Capricorn (B to C), Venus/Part of Fortune in Gemini in trine to Jupiter in Libra (A to D), Neptune square Venus (B to A) and Pluto square Jupiter (C to D). The point “E” is where two Yods meet in the Aquarius constellation (you are going to feel that one on the Full Moon in Aquarius big time on 8/7/17).
The two Yods or “Fingers of GOD” energy creates the frequency of double lightning rods clashing together! The secret to accessing the power of the Trapezoid is tuning into the Yod relationships. First of all, Yods are considered highly unstable in the material world. They are a spiritual energy. You must connect to this energetic through a spiritual understanding of yourself. This stabilizes the energy and allows it to be its higher frequency self in the physical world. If not, it whips around like a live wire!
Neptune (Retrograde karma) in Pisces forms the first Yod to Jupiter in Libra. Here you are divinely asked to connect to all your current relationships as Soul-to-Soul contracts. Ask yourself, “What is our Soul agreement right now? What are we desiring on a Soul level, to show or teach one another? How can I love more here?”
The second Yod is from Venus/Part of Fortune in Gemini to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Ask yourself “What new mindset do I need to create that is rooted in connection, collaboration and is supported by the Feminine?” Your internal Authority, rules, structures and your foundation for the future wish to be be transformed. A new spiritual mindset rooted in the Feminine paradigm will align you with what wants to come through the Veil to bless you and all those around you. Neptune gets help from Pluto and Venus gets help from Libra. This is where you find yourself transfigured and free.
All this sets you up for a Full Moon in Aquarius ~ where the Trapezoid transfigures into a double Grand Trine or Star of David, a Merkabah! A Merkabah is “the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body.” I know I have inundated you plenty right now, so more to come on what that means for you in a few weeks.
New Moon Mojo:
Set your intentions around self-realizing your divinity by opening the Door to your Sacred Heart. Be about engaging with your Keys to Freedom via play and joy; romance and flirtation; creativity and bliss. Find your Leo-ruled House in your Natal chart! Guess where mine is? Third House of communication, thoughts, words, deeds! Express yourself in your Leo-ruled House and take your experience to the next level. This time is made especially for you to enjoy to the fullest! Focus on the Zero Point of Fun during this highly attuned energetic time of pure Love and Light. You deserve it!
Mark your Calendar:
- New Moon plus Mars in Leo on 7/23/17;
- Opens Stargate: Sirius and the Rising Sun on 7/25/17;
- Aquarius Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse on 8/7/17;
- Venus Lion’s Gate on 8/8/17;
- New Moon total Solar Eclipse on 8/21/17 (2nd New Blue Moon 29 Leo)
Thank you for the info. New to learning all of this and trying to soak up all I can
Hi Beverly! Thank you so much for being here! Just by being curious, you have already learned and done so much! Feel free anytime to ask questions :-). Join the conversations and Circle in our Lunar Ladies Lifestyle Facebook Group, too :-). yay!