Gemini “Storyteller’s Moon” Full Moon @ 16 degrees ~ December 7, 2022, at 8:08 PM PST/11:08 PM EST
The Gemini Full Moon is bringing forth the power of your relationships. This week your Sagittarius New Moon plus your Gemini New Moon intentions from May 30, 2022, are coming to fruition. During that time the Cosmos assisted your existential wellness to increase. Your Mental Body has been healing over the last six months. The conjunction of Mars with the Moon activates exponential growth in making sure that your mental and emotional wellness is first and foremost in your life.
In 2022, the Gemini lunar experience has taken you from 10 to 16 degrees. This is calculated by the Gemini New Moon and the Gemini Full Moon. Both moons embody the 2nd Decan of Gemini that brings in the power of Libra. Libra is about relationships and how you partner with yourself and another.
The Gemini Full Moon is conjunct with Mars in Gemini RX. The Venusian aspect of the 2nd decan of Gemini is excited to see the presence of Mars now. This is a great time to release old relationships that are out of balance and inharmonious with your natural way of being.
The Sagittarius Sun shines early morning light on the sacred power of resurrection. The Sun is showing you that your Soul’s life path is about the reconciliation of two forces. These two forces are your individual fulfillment and your spiritual fellowship with others. The cosmic Vertex is conjunct with the Sun. This is the power of Divine Truth in the Full Moon’s astrology. You are guided to realize that your personal interests are served when you put your needs unselfishly first. No one holds you first in their hierarchy of importance. If everyone fulfills their own needs through spirituality first, then each person is well-equipped to be of service to others. This is a golden universal rule.
Lunar Ladies Free Moondial
Keep track of the Moon and where the Moon is in your Natal Chart. Get your free Lunar Ladies Moondial here.
Full Moon Medicine: Mars Rx
Mars is in sextile to Chiron RX in Aries and trine to Saturn in Aquarius. Chiron is getting ready to go direct on December 23rd which is the same day as the New Moon! This is exciting news! Chiron appears on the Mars RX journey to assist with letting go of anger and rage safely. Mars is the planet of rage when imbalanced. He is like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. With Chiron’s help, you can safely use this power in your life – to create rather than destroy. The key is to slow down and find your center of being. Learn how to diffuse volatile situations in your life. Simmer your temper and develop inner strength through self-restraint.
Saturn is in sextile to Vulcan, the Forger of Rules. Together they synergize power to help you renew your life through faith and imagination. Disappointments from the past can be resolved when you install new soul rules for how to live in a sacred way every day. Put into motion the practice of setting an intention for the day before you leave your bed. Learn from great spiritual masters on how to redirect your experience of life towards more joy and fulfillment.
Asteroid June: Focal Point of Full Moon T-Square!
At the time of the Full Moon, the Asteroid Juno is the focal point of a T-square between Mars, the Moon, and the Sun. Juno is the Goddess of partnership and marriage. Her presence in Pisces brings the energy of compassion, understanding, and forgiveness to your relationships. But since She is in a T-square, you will be tested to bring your Soul’s energy into your ego’s demands for attention.
The Full Moon in Gemini expresses the power of the Lovers Card in the Tarot. This is synonymous with the power of Juno. Love embodies many forms. What type of Love is needed now in your relationships, especially if you are married? Juno is guiding you to the truth that you must meet problems – both real and imagined – with spirituality. It’s the most powerful way to resolve conflict, heal, and move forward.
For more support and guidance on working with the medicine of Gemini: Get your Mars Rx Wellness Workbook here.
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Tarot: The Lovers and The Magician
In the Tarot, Gemini and Mercury are represented by the Lovers and the Magician in the Major Arcana. The Lovers card shows how humanity connects to the Divine – the ultimate love story. This is done by the union of polarities to create harmony. The Magician is the card of Mercury, ruler of Gemini. The Magician moves between the realms of humanity and the Divine. The Magician facilitates transformation through the alchemy of the four elements: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The Magician’s mantra is “Abracadabra ~ I create as I speak”.
Venus at the Galactic Center: 27 Degrees
Venus visits the Galactic Center at 27 degrees Sagittarius at the time of the Full Moon. She is gathering stories to bring back to your Heart Chakra that is designed for your Soul to evolve. Venus asks you to look for patterns in your relationships. Look at the bigger picture of what has happened to you in this realm of life. Each person can blend and integrate with another person – which at the Soul level is a natural harmony. The spiritual design is that each person enhances the other’s essential features. Each person’s needs and ideals fit together to serve the eternal pattern. It takes spiritual mastery to be able to see this. That is why it takes practice. Venus says to make this your spiritual practice.
The great Goddess reminds you to let the old things go. What falls away is just ephemeral dust upon the cosmic wind. Whatever does not serve this universal pattern of cosmic alignment is meant to be let go of.
Take action on creating your sacred rituals. Do you need an update on your current astrological alignments? Schedule a private 1:1 reading with Shannon.
If you receive benefit from these insights, support my work at Ko-fi!
“I feel AIR and EARTH to RELEASE the power of my divine Mind!
- Full Moon Phase: The Full Moon Phase brings your New Moon intentions to fruition. They become signed, sealed, and stamped. On May 30, 2022, was the Gemini New Moon at 10 degrees ~ activating the existential wellness of your Soul. Has your life transformed since then?
- The Gemini Full Moon is the “Storyteller’s Moon“: December 7-15, 2022
- The Gemini Full Moon passes through the 6th Lunar Mansion ~ “Little Star of Great Light”
- The Gemini Full Moon passes through the 45th Human Design Gateway ~ “The King and Queen”
- Hint: look to your Gemini and Sagittarius-ruled Houses in your Natal Chart, your Mercury and Jupiter, plus your 3rd & 9th Houses for your answers.
- The 3rd Quarter Virgo “Fate’s Moon”: December 16-22, 2022
- Next New Moon in Capricorn: December 23, 2022
- To personalized support: New Client Session or 1:1 Soul Refresh Session.
- Recommendations: Natal Oracle Reading, Natal-Progression Reading, New Client 1:1 Reading
Secondary Progressions Oracle$288.00
New Client 1:1 Session$288.00
Natal Oracle$88.00 – $288.00
FULL MOON SABIAN SYMBOL: 16 degrees Gemini
“The Head of Health dissolves into the Head of Mentality”
Soul achievement is measured by awareness of self and empathic appreciation of others.
The Gemini Full Moon shines emotional light on your ability to have empathy for yourself and others. When you look in the mirror and you like who you see, you can more easily feel compassion for yourself. Liking yourself makes living so much more fun! In a well-balanced person, the power of the mind is unmatched. You can create with the power of the Cosmos, the force that moves planets and births stars! Take time out to ponder and be amused by life. Find your answers by merging with your higher mind. Watch out for hormonal outbursts and inner child tantrums. These are forces in your life that need attention. Get what you need so that you can return to an inner stillness of balance and harmony.
The Sagittarius Sun reminds you that you can withstand the difficulties in your life and rise up. Your Soul is designed to be a Phoenix! Find your inner spiritual fire and surround yourself with people who are doing the same thing. Together you become a force to be reckoned with in the world. Focus on having faith in a brighter future and that will be the path that you follow. Watch out for any disillusionment and loss of hope. Find your soul power tribe to help you rise up again!
Get ready for the New Moon in Capricorn happening December 23, 2022, celebrating Winter Solstice season at 1 degree!