Scorpio “High Priestess” Full Moon Lunar Eclipse @ 25 degrees Scorpio conjunct the South Node ~ May 15, 2022, at 9:11 – 9:14 PM PDT/12:11 – 12:14 AM EDT on 05/16/22
The closet door creeks open. Lightning flashes in the sky. Shadows emerge from the depths of darkness. Coyotes nip and wolves howl in the distance. The power of the past resurfaces. Out walks the High Priestess of the Full Moon along with her sister, The Banshee.
The Full Moon travels with the Banshee, the South Node of Fate to protect you and undo what has been done. The presence of the South Node during an eclipse portends the opportunity to change your future by powerfully releasing your past. The Scorpio Full Moon is known as the Priestess Moon. The eclipse energy empowers the Priestess to rise into her fullest state as the High Priestess.
El Canto del Sol
Sun is with the North Node of Destiny and enters the Pleiades. The Sun appears with songs of love and serenade. With your creative self-expression born from your heart, you have the power to sway people and lullaby them into a heightened state of love. How can you use your words or voice to charge up the field with peace and joy? Take action over the next 6 months to add to the betterment of society with expressions of your soul’s love for life. Serenade the power of true love and it will exist more on the planet.
Winter is coming! ~ Plan & Prepare
The eclipse Full Moon ignites a powerful punch with the T-square to Saturn and Vesta in Aquarius. In the Game of Thrones, the expression “Winter is coming” means one should always be prepared – for anything that could happen—and eventually. Saturn, the energy of your inner mastery, shows you what can happen to your future when you perfect your energy. Your inner masculine is the most powerful when it dances with your inner feminine in perfect balance. Saturn redirects your attention to how much you use logic over intuition. In order for mastery to occur, logic and intuition must be in balance. Vesta, the One who Serves Source, says, “Pay attention to your inner knowing and take action on securing your needs in the future.” Stock up on your resources, both physical and spiritual. Think about what you will need, as far as resources, for this upcoming Winter 2022. Plan and prepare now so that you are ready for whatever happens in the collective.
To Thine Own Heart be True
The hidden key lies within the heart of Leo. The tests of karma are activated with the lunar nodes of Fate during this Spring Eclipse season. How much stamina do you have? The Cosmos are guiding you to align with others to stock and store your resources. Camel is the spirit Guide for the Full Moon and teaches you how to endure challenges while feeding your spirit. Camel can go long distances without food or water because he has stored energy in his body. The High Priestess card in the Tarot bears a Hebrew symbol that translates as “Camel.” The High Priestess represents the unknown over the horizon, of life’s changes, and that you cannot take your water or food for granted. Learn to be self-sufficient and understand how to feed your soul. Start with the power of Leo – “To thine own heart be true”.
“I feel WATER and EARTH to RELEASE the power of my Soul!
- Full Moon Phase: The Full Moon Phase brings your New Moon intentions into fruition. They become signed, sealed, and stamped. On November 4, 2021, was the Scorpio New Moon at 12 degrees ~ activating lunar alchemy. What has transformed in your life since then?
- The Scorpio Full Moon is the “High Priestess’ Moon“: May 15-21, 2022
- The Scorpio Full Moon passes through the 19th Lunar Mansion ~ “Two Paths”
- The Scorpio Full Moon passes through the 14th Human Design Gateway ~ “Power Skills”
- Hint: look to your Scorpio and Taurus-ruled Houses in your Natal Chart, your Pluto and Natal Venus, and 8th & 2nd Houses for your answers.
- The 3rd Quarter Pisces “Moon of Lost Souls”: May 22-29, 2022
- To personalized support: 1:1 Soul Refresh Session.
- Recommendations: Druid Soul Star Past Life Reading, Soul Purpose Starseed Series, and 1:1 Soul Refresh Session.
Druid Soul Star Past Life Oracle$288.00
Soul Purpose Starseed Series$555.00
Returning Client 1:1 Session$244.00
SABIAN SYMBOL: 25 degrees Scorpio
“Indigenous people making camp.”
The Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon shows us the power of being able to move quickly and adapt to new surroundings. Look at your emotional body and see how easy or hard it would be to have rapid change come into your life. Would you fall into fear and grip on the known? Or would you trust in the goodness of life knowing that you are loved and protected? This Scorpio energy is on steroids. It is prompting you to ensure that your spiritual power is intact. Remember that this Full Moon lunar eclipse is the answer to the Super New Moon in Scorpio from November 4, 2021, where you were advised to practice lunar alchemy.
The guidance is to take in your surroundings. Again, become the best Observer possible. Merge with the world through your senses. Know your destination by having a map or guide. When you feel guided it is much easier to become an observer. The key now is to throw yourself into life, reach out for all sorts of adventures, and, most of all, remember to enjoy the ride!