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Retrain Your Mind – 1st Quarter Virgo Moon

1st Quarter Virgo “Counting Moon” at 27 degrees on June 17, 2021, at 8:54 PM PDT/11:54 PM EDT. Lunar week: 06/17-23/2021

The 1st Quarter Virgo Moon counts down the last three days of the Sun’s journey through Gemini. The Sun in Gemini shines a light on your dual nature. You have an inner twin and an outer twin. The 1st Quarter Virgo phase Moon pulls you inward and under the microscope to get a true reading on what is occurring in your inner world.

The Moon refines, deciphers, and analyzes the Gemini lunar cycle that began with a Mercury Nodal Solar Eclipse powerhouse alignment on June 10th. Under these last five days of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, retrain your mind to see what is beyond the mainstream programming – that is bombarding your psyche 24 hours a day. Remember, you create your own reality through the lens of your thoughts and your feelings. It’s time to get straight with your empowered and enlightened Mind.

The 1st Quarter phase of the 3rd decan Virgo-Taurus energy sits opposite the soon-to-be retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, is traveling with Neptune to harmonize your access to your divine nature. This alignment can get lost in the murky planes of the Astral Field. It is the position of the Starseed Gemini Sun that blows a whistle of “Time Out” to keep you on your toes.

What is happening now is a clarion call for the Collective to remember their Soul Agreement — to take care of each other on the planet. Part one of the wisdom teachings is: “I am my brother’s Keeper.” The Sun is shining higher consciousness light codes for humanity to forgive, pardon, and renew. This can only happen at the larger level, when you, the individual, put this into manifestation. Part two of the wisdom teaching is: “Be the change you wish to see.”

Making it Fit your Personal Power:

To fully understand your Natal Chart and how it aligns you with the current cosmic conditions, join me in the Astro Alchemy Lab. In the Lab, you learn what the secret ingredients are for your personal transformation. Together we apply these ingredients, experiment, and create your elixirs for empowered living!

Check your Virgo and Gemini-ruled Houses in your Natal Chart to understand these cosmic insights and how they are showing up in your personal life. Join the Lunar Ladies Astrology community Astro Alchemy Lab to experience group guidance for even deeper results.

1st Quarter Lunar Week Frequency: ENERGETIC BREAKDOWN

1st Quarter Waxing Moon Dynamics: Challenges ~ Decisions ~ Action
“I feel EARTH and AIR to CHANGE my old patterns and breakthrough my obstacles this week!”
  • 1st Quarter Lunar Phase: First Quarter Moon energetics are about busting through challenges, making clear and powerful decisions, and taking ACTION! The waxing Virgo Moon square builds MUTABLE universal Qi to increase your power. 
  • The Counting Moon
  • 14th Lunar Mansion “The Scepter”
  • #6 Human Design Gateway “Friction”
  • Hint:  look to your Virgo-ruled House for your answers. Get your Natal Oracle to see where is happening for you. 
  • Get the full Cosmic downloads when you join the Astro Alchemy Lab!


: — : 1ST QUARTER PHASE : — :

The 27 degree Virgo Moon moves you through resistance: PERFECTING

A bald headed man who has seized power”

When we have the better hand, we should play it.

The Virgo 1st Quarter Moon, together with the Gemini Sun, wants to make you aware that there is more power in the world right now. In order to align with this power at the highest levels, you must be grounded. Lightning energy seeks the Earth to ground its energy so that it does not destroy. You are being prompted by the Cosmos to make a bold and decisive move towards embodying your higher nature. Watch out for forces attempting to usurp your divinity. Governmental control, corporate dominance, or any entity desiring to take advantage of you in this moment is to be highly scrutinized. Move slowly and with patience. Seek your inner guidance and Soul support from your Spirit Team. This is happening most powerfully in your Virgo-ruled House in your Natal Chart.

Invite into your daily routines spiritual practices that support your happiness. What can you count on that will empower your spiritual integrity? In the Buddhist monastic traditions, monks shave their heads to purify their Crown Chakras. This is done to help make their minds clean and ready to receive the truth, love, and harmony of the Universe.

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, stations at 16 degrees to prepare for his directional shift on June 22nd. At this time, Mercury shouts it is time to grow up and become a mature, critical thinker! According to Lynda Hill of Sabian Symbols, “This Symbol shows that it is time to use mature thinking, using your intellect and intuition and being able to take in the consequences and responsibilities of one’s actions. Allowing mature wisdom to come through, there can be a feeling of one’s mindset changing and growing.”

“It is a mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”


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