New Moon in Scorpio ~ “Raging Moon” ~ at 4’25” degrees on October 27, 2019 at 8:38 PM PDT/11:38 PM EST
New Moon in Scorpio kicks off a transformative lunar cycle with Uranus RX in exact opposition or what I like to call a “deep harmonic octave”. Uranus, the Great Liberator, sits in “full moon” phase to the New Moon. Uranus crosses the Chiron discovery point in Taurus to look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That is Chiron, the Wounded Healer’s gift to you ~ to remember the gold at the end of the rainbow is within you. So light up and clear your Chakras! This is important for what is happening here.
“There is Lightning energy during this transformative lunar cycle (10/27 – 11/25, 2019)!”
When you look up to the Heavens, Chiron (currently in Retrograde motion) in Aries and Mars, ancient ruler of Aries and Scorpio, are shining through to you! This powerful Trio of Chiron, Mars and Uranus are coming to help revivify the divine Masculine in all of us – men and women.
Chiron initiates the release of God Yod lightning bolt of spiritual change into your New Moon and Sun experience. Chiron seeks truth in its purest form within you. The problem is, you find it difficult to take all this in at once – through your physical body. The curative is to allow yourself to grow with these changes and to let Truth evolve in you and through you. As your vision and consciousness expands, Pure Truth, the power of “Pura Vida”, becomes clearer and clearer to you, as well as your ability to disperse false truths. Edgar Cayce prophesied the illusion between truths and lies will be easy to see through.
Mars engages a similar lightning bolt into Neptune RX, too. Neptune continues to offer you an intuitive sense of how to protect yourself and how to filter out influences that are disturbing. Neptune and Mars remind you of your spiritual ability to empower yourself by clearing and purifying your space. This frees your inner magic! Mars focuses on allowing your deep instinctive impulses to manifest NOW with “Just do it!” energy. How do you really crave to live your life? To regain your power, feel your deep connection to Nature. Feel the force of Nature working through you. Nature is the expression of power within you. This is your spiritual will in action. Be about it, now!
Powering up ~ The Goddess Way!
The asteroids Isis and Black Moon Lilith come into Yod alignment bringing powerful Underworld Goddess energy onto the world. The Black Moon sees what you are completely out of touch with in your life. What are you overlooking or rejecting that is otherworldly in your life? Venture into your Shadow Self to see what is there. Clear what is blocking your more ancient Self from rising fully into power. Isis becomes your force of evolution. She is actively releasing illusions that are standing in your way.
Venus holds court with the Sister asteroids Sophia and Pallas Athena in the Underworld as divine brother Mercury prepares for his retrograde descent on October 31st. Can you say ‘Soul Retrieval??’ – “Yes and yay!!” Venus is directing your attention to expressing your most beautiful, memorable, and vivid Self. Pick up the mirror of Venus and look deeply into the eyes of the one looking back at you. Let this lunar cycle remove impurities at the deepest Soul level. Venus empowers your true essence to shine through over the next 4 weeks. Intend for your clarity to refresh and reveal the true You as a window in the realm of Spirt is opening for you.
Vesta visits Her 7 Pleiades Soul Sisters to set into motion the desire to completely and thoroughly understand the world. The Pleiades are supporting you to bear witness to the harmful influences at work in the world. Their presence will help you understand these darker forces. The Seven Sisters (Seven Silver Swans) remind you that you are at your best when you tap into this awareness to help yourself. Do not get to entrenched down the rabbit hole. Instead, make sure you share your discoveries with others to help open their eyes. As your eyes open, and the eyes of others, you will discern and once again reclaim your sovereign rights to live in a free and liberated state of wholeness and Divine Love.
~ Time to Break it ALL down! ~
New Moon Dynamics:
New Beginning ~ Fresh Start ~ Blank Page
New Moon dynamics embrace the powers of New Beginnings, Fresh Starts, and being a Blank Page. This lunar stage is your invitation to set your intentions to put into conscious motion your next 28-day goals and 6-month big dreams. New Moon Time is consciously washing your Soul to free You from ego attachments.
A New Moon is created when the Sun and Moon join together at the exact same degree in the sky. The New Moon is called the Dark Moon, as no sunlight is reflecting upon Her surface. Your emotional Self is already inward (from Third Quarter) and in a place of stillness. Stillness is the energy state required to powerfully align your intentions with the greater forces of the Galaxy. Find your Scorpio-ruled House in your Natal chart as well as your 8th House to see what wants to take shape in your life. Apply to join the Lunar Ladies Club to support your personal development and acceleration. Discover what the power of the Raging Moon is transforming in your life!
“Raging Moon”: Transforming your Power
Last lunar cycle’s White Knights Moon has you seeking justice to show up more powerfully in your world. But now the New Moon in Scorpio rages from all the wrongs that were placed upon the helpless, innocent child. This energy has the power of Mars and Pluto that can disrupt and blow up really old patterns around betrayal and trust. Scorpio is a Water sign and feels into the depths. The Moon brings this energy home. Together you may feel the rage you felt as a child who was not in control of her environment and helpless to do anything about it. Plutonian energy is about power. Look deep inside to see where your power was usurped, taken away, and abused? Scorpio governs sexuality and in the shadow, this energy connects to sexual abuse. In the New Moon phase, it can be sexual abuse of a child. In our world, we are hearing more and more each day about human sex trafficking of children. This Scorpio lunar cycle aims to put an end to that heinous practice once and for all. We are moving into “repair mode” to heal from thousands of years of disempowerment, especially in regards to sexual slavery and abuse. Pull out your Natal Chart and find your Scorpio-ruled House. Feel into what this new cycle needs to be transformed and clear. You may be brought back to kindergarten memories or past life experiences. This is powerful; take hold of the wheel and be in the driver’s seat. The Scorpio lunar cycle is one of the best times to do Shadow work. Connect with Shannon if you feel ready to do your work to clear past life patterns, karmic contracts, and unresolved issues. Shannon is available for very empowering personal 1:1 Coaching. Join the Lunar Ladies Club to experience supportive and safe group coaching with other women who are desiring to live from their Souls.
Moon & Sun in the 17th Lunar Mansion ~ “The Sword”
The Scorpio Raging Moon passes through the 17th Lunar Mansion. This cosmic mansion is guarded by Saturn and Mars. This is where the lies, trickery and thievery ends. The gig is up! No more will outside influences trap, ensnare, or imprison the Soul’s right to be sovereign and free. The 17th Lunar Mansion helps you become super mindful of your energy resources. The Sword cuts through ties that bind, especially in the areas that Scorpio governs: sex, money, and death. Success at the Soul-level is the abundance and wealth of awareness and truth. The game has been a war for your powerful and creative attention. Ask yourself, “What do I freely give my attention to? Does it serve my greater good and success as a Spirit in the physical form?” If the answer is “No” and the focus of your attention is sub-par or low vibration, — change the channel. Put down your electronic devices. Turn off the TV. Go outside and look up to the sky. Breathe in life. Soak up sunshine. Dance to Panchamama’s heartbeat. Smile at your fellow travelers on planet Gaia. When you recognize and identify trickster energy in your life, cut it with the power of the 17th Mansion’s Sword. Some of you may need to turn that sword into a machete and release yourself from cords, hooks, and attachments. You may find these cords go way back into other timelines, other lives. That is okay. You carry the Spirit medicine to see it and deal with it. Your personal sovereignty is your divine right and this is a right worth protecting. Call upon the Raging Moon to bestow upon you the vibrant power of Justice. Be free to walk in your life empowered and liberated. You are a Phonenix!
“An Egyptian queen with a braided beard.”
The Scorpio New Moon honors the great Egyptian Pharaoh Hatshepsut who reigned for 21 years and wore a false beard to honor the great god Osiris. Hatshepsut message is that in the darkest passages of life there is kept, burning, the lights of helping influences. Your job is to make contact and stay connected with them – your Angels, Guides, and Power Animals. The asteroid Hatshepsut appears at 10 degrees Libra co-aligned with Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio.
The Scorpio Sun and New Moon offer you a powerful look at how you gain your own authority by taking on your symbols of power. What are your personal symbols of power? What are you willing to work hard for to achieve your goals? Do you feel at times society limits the framework for you to rise into your power? Finding your personal power symbols brings you a greater self awareness of your place in the world. You were born with a magical ability to inspire confidence in others – confidence that they can be themselves. Like the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut, rule over your world more powerfully than limits allow. Your power symbols will effectively cope with the restrictions of the current world. Be intent on expressing your creativity without any care for how it will be received. Be free of tradition, constraints, and rules. Go for it! Clear your personal mirror. Be here and savor your moment. Clear cords to limitations. Come out of hiding and rule your world!
Mars, ancient ruler of Scorpio, appears as “A woman: The lower half of her body is a serpent.” Your inner divine masculine allows your deep instinctive impulses to manifest. Live life on your terms. Free your primal Anima/Animus. Crave to live your life whole and free. (hear the repeating message??) Again, go out in Nature and feel your primal connection. All efforts to repress this great primal power will fail. You are meant to rise into your power now.
Pluto, modern ruler of Scorpio appears as “A stately old house in a ruined condition.” Pluto says your house is in need of repair. What about you needs to be updated, restored, or torn down? You may discover that there may be parts of you that are happy to simply be left alone. It is for you to decide. If you feel anxious that something SHOULD be done in a certain way – that is your clue to stop what you are doing and check back in with your sovereign space within. It could be that you can just appreciate all for what it is and that nothing needs to be changed. Wonder what you will discover?!!
Wrap up:
The Full Moon Effect: Uranus!
“A Widow at an Open Grave.”
Just as you began this journey with the presence of the GOD YODs, Uranus would like to have the microphone next. The Sun and Moon are in opposition to the Sky God, Himself, Uranus! Last week’s 3rd Quarter Cancer Moon was known as the Widow’s Moon. Uranus brings the “Widow energy” into its powerful energy to liberate you into your next level of freedom. The Buddha teaches the the power of impermanence saying that “All natural compounds decay”. In the physical world, even the most beautiful things lose their energy through the principle of integration where the form is withdrawn and returns to the Void. The “open grave” reflects the experience of releasing all attachments. This is the greatest challenge because you wonder what is next? When you know what is on the other side, or that life is eternal in nature, you can more easily let go. When you let got, you allow the process of renewal to begin and the ego, or separated self, can no longer exist. These root elements and responses that happen in the material world may seem negative, yet it is all about opening the door to self-renewal. Beyond the personal attachment rises the possibility of participating in a larger sphere of existence.
Let Hatshepsut bless you throughout this lunar cycle. Remind yourself, to always be aware of your true being. Know that where you put your attention is the key to moving beyond the illusion of physical reality that is currently out of balance. Practice sensing where is the best place to focus your attention. Where you are led, will be what can ultimately change everything. There is pure joy in the Now. Recapture your Spirit to find what matters to you most right now. The Lunar Ladies VIP Club is here to help you discover your true Self. Take action and jump into the Inner Circle. Apply to join today to see if it is feels right for you at this time in your life.