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Question Reality … Whose life are you Living? Take a Leap of Faith into the Quantum!

Sagittarius New “Gypsy Moon” at 4 degrees on November 26, 2019 at 7:06 AM PST/10:06 AM EST/2:06 PM UK


Welcome Gypsy Soul to a brand new adventure! Are you feeling ready to travel the highways and byways of infinite, eternal life? Get ready because it is time to Question reality! Sagittarius is the mutable Fire element of Spirit. This energy is expansive, infinite, and moves fast! This lunar cycle you are invited to clear old distorted energies of the past so you can fly and be free to move forward, Now, in the Quantum Field of reality. (Hint:  you consciously create at the Quantum level of Thought in the Now, outside of time and space).

The New Moon and Sun align with Part of Fortune and Sophia at 4 degrees Sagittarius making this lunation full of Christ conscious energy. This Sagittarian lunation culminates with the Annular Winter Solar Eclipse on December 25th, 2019. With the birth energy of an Avatar, you are being given the gift of being released from unresolved karma. Only if you are available and willing to do your personal work. Are you ready, willing, and able?

WTF? – What the Frequency?

WTF – What the Frequency is a new segment giving you the planetary playbook of available energy being created by the cosmic Gods and Goddesses for this New Moon cycle. Let’s start with Mars and Uranus. Mars opposes Uranus to bring super powerful and lightning quick changes that may carry the element of surprise with it. Mars is in his ancient lair of the Underworld rebuilding his life force Shakti power. During the New Moon, Mars is on the Scorpio New Moon point from October 27th. Revisit your experience and remove energetic impurities to refuel the power of your inner divine Masculine. Uranus will respond in kind to this level of deep personal work. If you say, “Nah,” Uranus just might rock and roll your world to get your attention and say, “Okay I am listening!”

With this harmonic opposition between Mars and Uranus, a Mystical Rectangle forms with the Nodal Wave of Destiny at 8 degrees, too. The Nodal wave is helping you unwind past life patterns around trauma and unresolved karma (in your Capricorn ruled House and surrounding global Patriarchal karma). The unwinding of this stored and distorted energy, propels new Soul growth of a maternal Goddess nature forward that will nurture you in your Cancer-ruled House as well as a weighted blanket for humanity. Balancing the power of the Nodal Wave with Mars and Uranus, strengthens the magical alchemy of this mystical alignment. Juno and the New Moon join this party with a sextile harmonic frequency sending a “Finger of the Goddess” into Uranus RX for loving support from his betrothed, Gaia. Once Uranus receives this blessing, He boomerangs it into Mars for an extra boost of loving support.

Jupiter still hovers above the Galactic Center at 28 degrees to rule over this lunation.The 19th Lunar Mansion offers you “Two Paths”. There will be a high road and a low road. Both will eventually get you to the Galactic Center, just depends upon your frequency and which one you choose to follow …

On the heels of the New Moon, Neptune goes direct on 11/27/19 to redirect the energy forward through your multiple timelines and dimensions of Soul. Just as the New Moon evolves into the Full Moon on November 11th, so does Neptune going direct, engage with Chiron, the Wounded Healer going direct 14 days later. These two energies are coming into a lunar cycle experience of their own. When Chiron was passing through Neptune’s current direct degree at 15 degrees Pisces, that date was February 2015. Look back to what stands out for you in 2015, which would be what Chiron is helping  with as its existing in a distorted vibration. Utilize this lunar cycle to receive assistance from the planets to help you unwind these energies within you. Neptune will be 1 degree Aries on:  April 28-June 9, 2025. That should be really interesting because Neptune will bring back your Chiron healing for further review. Mark this on your calendar – for fun!


~ Time to Break it ALL down! ~

New Moon Dynamics:

New Beginning ~ Fresh Start ~ Blank Page

New Moon dynamics embrace the powers of New Beginnings, Fresh Starts, and being a Blank Page. This lunar stage is your invitation to set your intentions to put into conscious motion your next 28-day goals and 6-month big dreams. New Moon Time is consciously washing your Soul to free You from ego attachments.

A New Moon is created when the Sun and Moon join together at the exact same degree in the sky. The New Moon is called the Dark Moon, as no sunlight is reflecting upon Her surface. Your emotional Self is already inward (from Third Quarter) and in a place of stillness. Stillness is the energy state required to powerfully align your intentions with the greater forces of the Galaxy. Find your Sagittarius-ruled House in your Natal chart as well as your 9th House to see what wants to take shape in your life. Apply to join the Lunar Ladies Club to support your personal development and acceleration. Discover the power of the Gypsy Moon to uplevel and redirect you in your life!

“Gypsy Moon”:  Freeing your Inner Genius

The Sagittarius New Moon is called the “Gypsy’s Moon” and initiates you on your Soul’s search for truth among the stars and planets. The Gypsy archetype is carefree and Jupiter smiles His good luck optimism making miracles happen. The Gypsy Moon’s quest is to connect with as many facets of the world, cultures, peoples and places as possible. Why? To expand her mind and heart towards Infinity! The experience the Moon is after is to help you to wander and follow your heart strings. You just might find something or someone is waiting for you there on your Soul path! New Moon draws in Part of Fortune’s good luck energy and the consciousness of Christ Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom. Jupiter energy is good luck and so is Part of Fortune when you say, “Yes!” to doing your sacred work “Dharma” on the planet.

Pull out your Natal Chart and find your Sagittarius-ruled House. Feel into what this new cycle needs to be elevated and see from a more expanded view. This is powerful because of Jupiter’s presence on the Galactic Center. The Sagittarius lunar cycle is one of the best times to redirect your attention onto your Soul Purpose Path. Connect with Shannon if you feel ready to reunite to the truth of who you are and why you are here on planet Earth at this time. What is this incarnation truly all about? Shannon is available for a very empowering personal 1:1 Coaching. Join the Lunar Ladies Club to experience supportive and safe group coaching with other women who are desiring to live from their Souls.

Moon & Sun in the 19th Lunar Mansion ~ “Two Paths”

The Sagittarius Gypsy Moon passes through the 19th Lunar Mansion. This cosmic mansion is guarded by Mercury and Mars who are ever watchful of where your mind and passions take you. This lunar mansion sets up warning signals around destructive energies and forces in your life. Especially obstacles that try to hinder or slow you down on your Sagittarian joyful journey of the Cosmos. Take last week’s Usurper’s Moon energy to cast out any uninvited guests who have taken up residency in your sovereign space. To embody the power of the 19th Lunar Mansion who offers you the choice of two paths, you are wise to follow the path of your truth. Your body is your barometer of truth. Trust what you feel and take care of your physical well-being so that it can gauge and sense the energies around you. Get enough sleep. Eat nutritious foods. Exercise and strengthen your muscles. Drink plenty of clean water. Let your body attune to the frequencies found in Nature (Earthing, bird songs, forest bathing, salt air, sunshine). For menstruating women, your blood cycle is a powerful energy to help you stay attuned to the forces around you. Honor your menstrual cycle, especially as Mars is currently moving through Scorpio and Mercury and finishing his Shadow zone ascent from the recent retrograde in the Underworld. Reclaim your power this lunar cycle and especially this week as the Moon carries the energies of the 19th Lunar Mansion. Start with your body and reignite your life force frequency!

Moon + Sun = BIG PICTURE

“Psychically attuned to each others’ bodies, women perform a spontaneous dance.”

The Sagittarius Sun and New Moon align you with your own psychic nature and the psychic energies of other people. This bigger picture of your oneness with all happens when you feel a deep connection to yourself and others. As a communal circle of energy co-creates itself, groups of people can heal at an accelerated pace. The Sun and Moon ask, “Are you ready to dissolve the illusions of separation? How are you dancing now ~ conscious or unconscious ~ with others?”

The New Moon wants you to feel greater intimacy with the help of the Fire element of Spirit. The Fire element burns through the limitations of the ego to free your true Self. Your true Self knows the higher order of your bigger picture. Your bigger picture is aligned with your Part of Fortune Destiny. This is your sacred work, or Dharma, to follow your path of destiny during each incarnation. The Goddess Sophia is with the New Moon and Sun communicating with you through dreams as she merges with the Moon’s lunar power. Dreams are a potent teaching tool over the next 30 days and 6 months. These dreams are healing root karmic issues deep within. If you forego your bigger picture and the messages that are being brought to you by Spirit, the misery and suffering of the ordinary, out of balance world will take over. Let your inner magic and freedom flow instead! Call upon the Pleiadian and Sabian Symbol for this lunar cycle:  “A white owl taking in the energy of the full moon.” Spend time in meditation with this Power Animal. 

POWER PLANETS:  Jupiter and Pallas Athena

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, offers a final teaching as he heads towards Capricorn for a 1-year residency on December 8th. Explore the type of security you are currently seeking in life. Is this form of security a reflection of old fear from past pain? Jupiter is expanding your understanding of knowing if there are any distortions in your Soul caused by traumas of past, unresolved karma. If you discover a distortion, heal yourself with simple, loving awareness. Say, “Hello” to this discovery and allow yourself time to be with it. Get to know it and ask questions. This allows the energy to unwind, give you the gifts, and be released. Gentleness will complete the process. Be responsible for your clearing old trauma, fear, and karma at the physical level in your body. As you do, you realign vibrational harmonies and reignite your spiritual power.

Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom invites you to look more closely at the nature of reality – the crux of this lunar cycle. Be open to new ideas and observe your attachments. Pallas Athena is here to awaken your inner genius for uncovering new truths and new aspects of anything that draws your attention. Be brave and courageous when diving deeper into the truth of where your attachments come from (cue:  unresolved past life trauma). Meet these discoveries head on. Confront and move through these difficult emotions. They come to test your spiritual self-confidence. Know you are not alone, for Pallas Athena is ready and willing to help you do the work. Just ask for her assistance.

Wrap up:  Gypsy Moon

The Gypsy Soul New Moon lunation takes you on a grand adventure through exploring unresolved past life trauma and clearing karma. Your Soul is free to explore everything and anything that draws your attention. Taking responsibility for doing your personal growth and development work, is your Soul’s purpose for this lifetime. By understanding your Astrology chart, you can access your gifts, skills, and talents that you have been developing for lifetimes. Utilizing these Soul gifts frees you from the limitations of the separate ego self and propels you forward onto a path that is both joyful and liberating. It is your sacred work to know your true Self. When you critically think, ask questions, and explore what makes you You, you change the world for the better. Call upon Gods and Goddesses who are appearing this Sagittarius lunar cycle (11/26-12/24/19) to assist you in freeing your Gypsy Soul to take a ride on the wild side of Spirit! Take the “Fantastic voyage” in the Soul Purpose Series to unravel your personal DNA Soul blueprint. Then after you have traveled through your past timelines and dimensions, call your Soul energy back to be fully present as a badass Wise Warrior. Put yourself into cosmic action with the help and support of the Lunar Ladies Club and their topnotch energy power tools. Best investment of your time, money, energy, and Soul to jump in and never look back — because the energy is cleared for you to SOAR!

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