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Purify your Power with New Moon Virgo 2020

Virgo New “Maiden’s Moon” at 25 degrees on September 17, 2020 at 4:00 AM PDT/5:00 AM MST/6:00 AM CDT/7:00 AM EDT

New Moon and Sun in Virgo appear in the early morning sky to set into motion a cycle of purification of your power. The Virgo New Moon is known as the “Maiden’s Moon”. The Maiden or Virgin is a woman whole unto herself. She is her own source of power in the world. During this lunar cycle, you are being helped to reestablish your power by resetting your health and wellness routines. This higher frequency of wellness then allows you to be of higher service in the world. Isn’t that amazing?! I’m excited!

Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is at 17 degrees Libra at the time of the New Moon. Mars and Mercury are your magical power guides this lunation. Mars is in retrograde now and Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio at the end of this lunar cycle on October 13, 2020. The shadow zone for this retrograde begins September 24th and goes through November 21st, 2020. Make sure to mark your calendars and stay in your awareness of what happens in your life starting September 24th.

Venus who embodies your internal Feminine energy is at 12 degrees Leo. This degree is marked at the “Healer” frequency. Venus gift to you is to perceive your reality from your inner core root Self. From this place of inner silence and stillness, your revelations will come. Retrieve and reintegrate any lost parts of your own being with the help of Pallas Athena at 12 degrees Capricorn. These two Goddesses will be the sacred Guides to consult as you journey through this energetic. You are being guided into a higher form of sacred experience with the Divine. There is a planetary ritual happening to help, not only humanity but other celestial neighbors, to evolve.

Trapezoid – How to free yourself from Snares

The North Node and Lilith-Mars are in sextile and Virgo New Moon and Sun are in trine with the Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn stellium.

The secret to escaping the Lightworker snare is found in the YOD connections between the points. Let’s start with the New Moon and Sun with Mars and Lilith. Stabilize the energy by seeing that beyond the noise of the world, there is a calm, knowing Self that floats above the chaos. The more you tune into this part of you, the more you are renewed every moment.

Next, let’s decode the truth between Saturn RX and the North Node in Gemini. Stabilize the energy by tuning into the messages given to you by Spirit. Realize that the Universe is constantly communicating with you. If you don’t pay attention, your messages can get lost in the noise of the world. Life is fragile and needs constant attention. Be focused on what is really important to you. As you receive messages from Spirit, repeat them to those you feel called to share them with. This is another way Spirit communicates, through messengers of Light. Practice becoming One!

~ Time to Breakdown the New Moon in Virgo! ~

New Moon Dynamics:  New Beginning ~ Fresh Start ~ Blank Page

New Moon dynamics embrace the powers of New Beginnings, Fresh Starts, and being a Blank Page. This lunar stage is your invitation to set your intentions and put into conscious motion your next 28-day goals and 6-month big dreams. New Moon Time is consciously washing your Soul free of ego attachments.

A New Moon happens when the Sun and Moon join together at the same degree in the sky. The New Moon is called the Dark Moon, as no sunlight is reflecting upon Her surface. Stillness is the energy state required to powerfully align your intentions with the greater creative forces of the Galaxy. Find your Virgo-ruled House in your Natal chart as well as your Natal Moon and 6th House sign to be your guides. Join the Lunar Ladies Club to support your development and acceleration.

The Maiden’s Moon

Your inner Maiden is ready to be reborn with this next new lunar cycle. The Maiden’s Moon is the Virgin or Pure New Moon who is stepping into a new version of your divine Goddess Self. The Virgin Goddess, or Maiden, is the version of you that is whole unto itself. Like Venus arriving on the clamshell, you do not need to be reliant on any outside help to thrive. This is the time to dive into enjoying your own company. Look deeply at what brings you joy, lights your creative fire, and makes you want to dance in life. Look at where you have put up walls. These walls may have been built in times when life was a struggle ~ especially around intimacy. Look for when you tend to keep yourself alone by keeping others out. Look closely at why you seek solitude or why you desire to be social. The Maiden’s Moon helps you loosen up, tear down old walls, and create healthy boundaries. You are learning to take care of yourself and enjoy the company of others in the best ways possible.

Pull out your Natal Chart and find your Virgo-ruled House. Feel into what new cycle needs to be created. This is powerful; take hold of the wheel and be in the driver’s seat. Connect with Shannon if you need personal 1:1 Coaching. Join the Inner Circle to experience supportive and safe group coaching with other Soul-empowered women.

Virgo New Moon in the 14th Lunar Mansion: “The Scepter”

The Maiden’s New Moon passes through the 14th Lunar Mansion. This cosmic mansion of “The Scepter” is guarded by Mars and Venus. The 14th Lunar Mansion warns you about feeling like you are not getting where you want to be in your life. Watch out for getting caught up in the moment and being misguided by this energy. You are learning the power of discernment. Interview your passions to find out if they really serve your heart’s best interests. Use this discernment as a “Scepter” to redirect your energy, focus, and desire into projects that have long-term benefits. As you get clear on what energies are supporting your highest good, you can rid yourself of toxins that oppress your joy. Support your clarity with your Angels and Guides for assistance as you powerfully move forward in your life. Learn more about how to expand your lunar powers when you join the Inner Circle.

Human Design Gateway #6: Friction

The New Moon in Virgo aligns with the Solar Plexus to empower you to see how you affect others. If you cleanse your own personal aura daily, your filter is clear to pick up on information in the auras of others. With this ability, you can have intimacy with another because you can truly sense what is going on for them. This clarity is both nurturing and stabilizing. You can truly come into your real power when you can be in service in this way to another. But first, you have to do the loving self-care for yourself. This step right here ends the possibilities for conflict and friction because you have taken care of your own business. Once you are clear, you can then be able to pick up on another person’s energy and discern what is needed in the moment now. Take this Virgo lunar cycle to align with your own truth. Live authentically and boldly. Make the changes you need to within to be your best Self. It’s a daily practice.

Virgo Moon & Sun Sabian Symbol

“A boy with a censor serves a Priest at the altar.”

The Virgo Sun and New Moon appear with hidden messages around sacred service. The boy in the Sabian Symbol represents that part of you that is a novice or inexperienced. Even though the inexperienced part of you is not quite ready to fulfill the elder roles in the ritual, your role is still very important. The Sun and Moon remind you that you are entering into the next evolution of the part you play in planetary sacred service. Everything you do carries meaning. Take up the challenge and opportunity to learn and always do your best. Look to the simple or menial tasks in your life. It is here that you offer your energy to the cosmic celebration of life. Make your everyday sacred and meaningful. Your role however large or small is needed in the great scheme of evolution.

This is a great time to make an Altar! Get our free Altar Ebook to help guide you into making sacred places in your home to remind you of your greater service to the ritual of Life!

Wrap Up: What’s Next!

Reclaim your daily routines to ensure that you are vibrating at your highest healthy frequency. Discern what is right for you and put yourself first. Forego feeling guilt or shame about that. Virgo energy cannot be of divine service, if the cup is empty. It’s okay to take care of yourself. In fact, it is the greatest act of Love!

During this lunar cycle, let yourself explore these topics. Remember that Mars and Mercury are in retrograde, purification mode. As you clean up your critical mind, judgments, and opinions, you free yourself to come into a more pure vibration of being. Tune into this:

  • Tune into your instincts that everything around you is alive and has purpose. When you see reality in this way, you can discern what is in need of support and repair. Act on your own inner sensing.
  • Lack and difficulty can lead you into deeper understandings of all that you really have. Focus on what you have, not what you lack.
  • Free yourself of the heaviness of the past, especially oppressive memories. Guide your consciousness back to the present moment now. This is the source of your healing and well-being.
  • When you clearly assess what you have, you can go beyond the satisfaction of ownership. You will restore your own sense of fulfillment.

Happy Virgo New Moon!

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