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Phoenix Fly Free! Full Moon + Pluto in Capricorn

Are you ready for Phoenix-level transformation? Are you feeling a need to be free and rise from your ashes? Full Moon in Capricorn exact conjunct Pluto Retrograde at 9:06 PM July 8, 2017 at 17 degrees is here to make that happen for you. Pluto Retrograde – resolving issues from past lives – is literally setting your Soul on volcanic fire to free you from wounding. Pluto can do this because Pluto is a planet of power and intensity that transforms through destruction and renewal.

Grandmother’s Moon:

The Full Moon in Capricorn is called “Grandmother’s Moon” and you will need to tune into your inner “Grandma Wisdom” to ride this surge of emotional, transformational energy. Emotions already run high at Full Moon time and now you are being given the strength to  become all-powerful, and allow your emotional Shakti to be all-consuming. If you are lucky to have an Elder Crone Woman, Grandmother or senior women in your circle of support, heed their wise advice for anything that comes up for you during the 72-hour window of the Full Moon (7/7-9/17) as well as the whole week, 7/8-15/17.

Moon conjunct Pluto:

When the Moon comes within 1 degree of contact, such high voltage volcanic type emotional energy is available. This level of power is purely designed to break down and transform. You can use this transcendental energy to overcome challenging emotions and behaviors, especially those that are unresolved from your past lives. Use high-vibrational tools like meditation, self-inquiry, yoga, pranayama breathing, or divination to help you understand your feelings to be able to more powerfully connect with your depths to transform.

Moon and Pluto Oppose Sun and Mars in Cancer:

This is ancient energy as the Grandmother Moon and Pele join forces to commune with nurturing Father Sun Cancer and passionate Brother Mars. Mars is weakened in the sign of Cancer so emotions can become spoiled, combative or frustrated. In its lower form, this hot and fiery ancient energy can be at odds. Mars and Sun in Cancer (masculine in Divine Mother) and Pluto and Moon in Capricorn (feminine transformative power in Divine Father) need to find their balance and see one another as the same.

Moon opposite Mars:

The Moon opposing Mars can make you feel very short-tempered almost like having a short fuse, especially around family members or those you are in relationship with. Emotional arguments are possible if you are not paying attention to how you feel. Dive deep into your raw emotions and process them safely with yourself, trusted friends and spiritual guidance, first. Do this rather than with the one who is temporarily driving you “crazy” and getting under your skin.

Mars opposite Pluto:

This is very harmonic and intense energy as Mars and Pluto are the true rulers of Scorpio. Think “Life Force” and “Power”. What does that look and feel like to you? In the Feminine, it is the power of Shakti. In the Masculine, it is the power of Shiva. When these two forces are out of balance or in the shadow, they become possessive, controlling and manipulating especially within your raw, primal, sexual energy. To run this energy well through your physical and emotional bodies, be in motion and be creative to engage this primal life force. Lift weights, move heavy objects, engage your physical power. Watch for any shadow energy that seeks a desire to control and manipulate from a place of weakness and fear.

Pluto opposite Sun:

This alignment asks you to face your shadow side. Pluto is very transformative and rules the Underworld of your deepest emotions:  fear, trust, unforgiveness, and vulnerability. Pluto’s atomic energy wants to help you “rise from your ashes” like a Phoenix. But the Sun’s energy is also strong representing your ego or small self. This is the time to tune into your true and divine Self to align with this alchemical reaction that wants to change your inner dross to your outer Gold! Cancer vs. Capricorn is the octave of Personal versus Public Self, Mother versus Father, Nurtured versus Nurturer. Remedy:  Sing with Snatam Kaur “Lord Make me an Instrument of your Peace“.

Starseed Planetary Helpers:

There are four planetary bodies that are at “Starseed” degrees (25-29).  Starseed energy represents bringing evolved information from another solar system or galaxy to uplift the consciousness of humanity.  During this Full Moon alignment there are four planetary bodies in Starseed degrees:  29 Ceres Gemini, 29 Verte Leo, 28 Chiron Pisces (R), 28 Uranus Aries. These four planetary bodies are bringing higher frequencies through the signs they are currently flowing through. Ceres in Gemini is carrying ancestral information to uplift our minds (Gemini). You will align with this information best through grandparents, elders and siblings. Verte is the embodiment of Divine Truth and is in the sign of Leo. Leo connects you with the Divine Truth of your heart, joy and bliss. Tuning into your heart-centered, creative, self-expressed joy will take you higher! Chiron, the “Wounded Healer” is retrograding through Pisces and your Soul is receiving a healing. Tuning into compassion and empathy for your whole being and allowing that golden, unconditional love to flow to all life will grow your Soul. And finally, Uranus in Aries is bringing forth the great awakening in your DNA of taking your power back and proclaiming yourself as a Divine Child of the Universe! Now that’s universal support!

The Takeaway:

Tune into how you feel and make no excuses to blame, manipulate or control another. Have courage to dive deep into your Soul awareness and transform your fears with this Full Moon. Stay conscious and aware of your intense emotions and dowse a short temper with self-empathy to help avoid arguments. Refuse to respond to provocations or ultimatums because they will only inflame you and your environment. In the shadows, there is a high chance of conflict in your personal relationships involving power and control issues. If you feel you are in a dangerous place, listen to your gut instincts and remove yourself to a place where you feel absolute Love. As your emotions are dealt with through conscious awareness, peace is the outcome. This can happen within your personal relationships as well as on a global level, among people and nations. Pray for your inner peace and the Peace and goodwill for all people, places and things. Namaste.

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