Natal Oracle


Did you know that you really came with a manual when you were born?

Your Natal chart is your original blueprint design for all the great things you wish to experience during your lifetime. Receive your Natal Chart plus a 25-page Natal Chart Report plus a 15-minute audio interpretation of the most important areas of your life to focus on in Option #1.

Upgrade with Option #2 adding a *75+-minute, Intuitive Recorded Reading plus the opportunity to purchase a discounted follow-up live Zoom 60-minute session with Shannon for a deeper experience of your Natal Chart. The Intuitive Oracle Reading is layered with messages that download to you each time you listen to your recording.

These are great gifts to yourself or someone you love!

If you do not know your time of birth, you can have Shannon configure it based on a special set of questions and important transits in your life. This is an additional fee of $45. You can add that here.


Why a Natal Oracle?

The Natal Oracle is a comprehensive reminder of how amazing you truly are, the development of your gifts and talents from multiple lifetimes and why you have come to help make the world a better place for the future. Tap into your gifts to bring the most joy in your life.

Who is a Natal Oracle for?

Whether you are new or have been walking many miles along your Spiritual path, the Natal Oracle is like a sacred place to have respite, healing and rejuvenation to keep moving forward in your Soul’s evolution.

When to get a Natal Oracle?

Natal oracles are great for choosing what vocation to pursue,  trying to understand life’s biggest challenges, after a relationship’s end, career changes, or when children become adults.

About Shannon

An intuitive Reading from Shannon feels like a “hello to your Soul”. Shannon touches upon the places in your chart that make you most unique. She sees you from the Soul’s perspective as whole, perfect and illuminated. Shannon has a unique perspective on challenges and obstacles that may come into life. She tells you from the wisdom of your Soul why you would choose these types of experiences. Many times it is because your Soul is so compassionate, wise and strong that you live through certain experiences so others do not have to.

Additional information


Natal Chart + Report, Natal Chart + Report + Recorded Reading

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