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Mother Nature Heals all Wounds ~ New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus Lunar cycle begins at 14 degrees on May 4, 2019 at 3:45 PM PST/6:45 PM EST/11:45 PM UK


A new lunar cycle begins (May 4 – June 2, 2019) in Taurus with the “Dryad’s Moon” aligning with the Taurus Sun at 14 degrees. As the Moon and Sun rise newly born, their presence opens the 5:5 Portal Vortex on 05/05/19. This gateway lifts the human frequency to ride the Blue Night wave of the Cosmic Love Divine to reset your place in the Universe (read more at the end of the post!). This is your time to absorb Mother Nature’s Earth healing frequencies to help your body-mind-Spirit integrate your upgraded Stellar Self! – *this is non-negotiable as the Earth will help you ride these rising tides as your True Self comes back into being. Mother Nature heals all wounds and all that ails Thee.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and she is the Spiritual Director chosen by the great Mother Goddess, Gaia. Venus now circulates at 17 degrees Aries. She is joined by her sister Vesta, Goddess  of Sacred Service, who shines as the first reflection exact at 14 degrees Aries. Both Vesta and Venus are in the Balsamic phase to the Taurus New Moon. This means Venus, although newly born in Aries, comes as the Veteran Crone dispensing wisdom found within the deepest layers of The Void of the Goddess.

The Lunar Nodes form a T-square or “time-out” to Venus making her the main focus point of this lunation. Where is Venus in Aries circulating in your Natal chart? What sign, house and degree is your natal Venus? This is good to know so you can personalize your experience to the highest levels. The Lunar Nodes are points of past and future. They release past patterns of dysfunction to liberate your future Soul expansion and growth. Join us in the Lunar Ladies Club where you can get day-to-day guidance to optimize your Becoming.

New Moon Dynamics:

New Beginning ~ Fresh Start ~ Blank Page

New Moon dynamics embrace the powers of New Beginnings, Fresh Starts and being a Blank Page. This lunar stage is your invitation to set your intentions to put into conscious motion your next 28-day goals and 6-month big dreams. New Moon Time is consciously washing your Soul to free You from ego attachments.

A New Moon is created when the Sun and Moon join together at the exact the same degree in the sky. The New Moon is called the Dark Moon, as no sunlight is reflecting upon Her surface. Your emotional Self is already inward (from Third Quarter) and in a place of stillness. Stillness is the energy state required to powerfully align your intentions with the greater forces of the Galaxy. Find your Taurus-ruled House in your Natal chart to see what wants to take shape in your life. Join the Lunar Ladies Club for on-going support for your personal development.

“Dryads Moon”:  Wisdom of the Trees

In the 2nd decan of Taurus Moon at 14 degrees, the Moon carries the added layer of Virgo to mix with the beauty of Taurus’ earthy sensuality. This beautiful New Moon honors the “Dance of the Dryads” who dwell as Tree Spirits in Nature. These ancient Elemental gods and goddesses hold the memories, secrets and records of the Earth. They invite your Inner Dryad to reconnect to your wild side that is not a separate self from Mother Nature. In this lunar cycle, your Inner Dryad comes forth to mix with your human identity. What magical Elemental energy resides deep in your Soul roots? This is a great time to talk to the Trees and ask if you can be so honored to meet the Dryads that live therein.

During this powerful time of the Retrograde summer season and the influx of Stellar Star frequencies, dancing with the Dryads in Nature is not only fun but imperative!

Moon & Sun in the 4TH Lunar Mansion:  “The Follower”

The 4th Lunar Mansion is guarded by Aldebaran, “The Bull” and ruled by Mars. Taurus is naturally ruled by The Bull, too, so this is double the size of power! The Moon is her 2nd decan and ruled by Mercury. Aldebaran is one of the Royal Stars and watched over by ArchAngel Michael. ArchAngel Michael sits as the eye of the Bull watching over the Cosmos to help you root your Lunar consciousness deeply into the sensuality of earthly Mother Taurus. No wonder all the primordial, ancient Mother goddesses are connected to Cows!! This earthly energy can shake things up like an earthquake, especially now as Uranus – Great Awakener – resides with Gaia over the next 7 years. What in your life needs shaking up? Channel this earth-shaking energy into firmly rooting your success energy and building your everyday dream life. Watch for being overly aggressive going for your dreams. This rattling energy can shake loose old residual or unworked out stuff, especially with your family members. It’s all about security with Taurus and the 4th Lunar Mansion. Taurus opposing force, Scorpio, opens up the possibility that old fights around inheritance and sharing resources may come back for another go around. Even old ancestral dysfunctions that get passed down generation to generation can pop up to be healed once and for all by the Awakened You. Make new habits and make your own “medicine” for what ails thee in family matters. You got this!


Moon + Sun = REBIRTH

“A platinum crucible.”
Guardian Angel: Sehaliah (say-HA-lee-YAH)
The Power of Prosperity, Motivation and Willfulness

The Taurus Moon and Sun appear as the symbol of a “Platinum crucible”. In science, platinum has an extremely high melting point and can be used to melt substances with a high melting point that is lower than platinum. Therefore, platinum becomes the container or “crucible”.  The essence of platinum is powerful. The Moon and Sun are showing you your power now. You are learning how to let past life negativity be burned away by the fires of your heart’s pure love. Maintain emotional peace and tranquility at all times especially when energetic turbulence swirls around you. As you master this, you come into alignment with the transmutative power of PEACE. Love heals the fear. Make love your constant companion. Like the platinum crucible, you can withstand the fires of transformation. The secret of this degree is remembering you are an eternal being on an infinite journey of Peace and Love. 

Venus and Vesta:  The Old Crone Venus, ruler of Taurus, appears as this image:  “Sitting in the Lotus posture, a monk’s deceased body is incorruptible”. Sometimes you are so focused on what your goals are, that you can outdo yourself. When you discover your own undoing, this can open up new levels of growth. Vesta appears as: “An hourglass in which the sand has become stuck”. With this image you are being shown you are able to transcend repetitive patterns. Go deeply into the timelessness of each moment that draws your attention. Vesta wants you to tune into the feeling of eternity that arises so you can understand how to stop time and make space for more light to enter into your life.


~ Let’s go back to 1518 ~

The Pluto and Saturn conjunction is a very big deal. As they are both part of the Retrograde Season trifecta with Jupiter, they bring a huge forcefield of clearing the past. Let’s go back in time to revisit when Pluto and Saturn were conjunct like this. This has not happened in Capricorn since 1518. The South Node – the force that releases past life patterns of bound energy –  joins this power alignment to help unwind the Dark and Middle Ages residue that is still gaslighting the public. I created a Transit chart with the New Moon seeing what the relationships are with May 4, 1518. What I saw was astounding and telling!


~ Past & Present on Repeat. Time to Change. ~

On May 4, 1518 Uranus was in Taurus (like it is now) at 9 degrees. Today, the asteroid Vaticana is at 8 degrees Taurus with a waning sextile to Verte “Divine Truth” at 9 degrees Pisces. This is Clue #1 that we are being released by the shadow victimization of the power of the Roman Catholic Church from the Piscean Age. Mercury was at Zero Point in Taurus also alerting me there are “great and powerful messages” channeling from the past.

The Goddess Vesta was at 3 degrees Aries in 1518 which sits in a parallel timeline to Chiron “The Wounded Healer” today at 4 degrees Aries. Chiron was at 2 degrees Aquarius retrograde on 05/04/1518 sending synergy to help unwind the disconnected “I AM Presence” wounding from the Church that said you have to go through that institution, priests, and nuns to be connected to God. Not true! We never needed a “middle man”.

The Magdalene was 18 degrees Capricorn in retrograde motion in 1518 which now – yes you guessed it – is in parallel timeline alignment with the Pluto, Saturn, South Node conjunction! This triggers present time Mars in YOD formation to the Pluto, Saturn, South Node alignment. This means Mars or the divine masculine energy, now in Gemini, needs to be spiritually stabilized in order to heal. The “mind of Man” needs to be recalibrated with meditation and returning to the Agape of the Heart chakra. The darker forces may try to use this unstable Mars energy to keep us in the shadow with the unhealed Chiron in Aries. Watch out for this! This energy utilizes young men to commit acts of violence that are “religiously” inspired. 

During this time in 1518, the Lunar Nodes were 19 degrees Gemini and Sagittarius. Jupiter Retrograde will be taking you back in time to release the South Node energy from this timeline. Jupiter will pass this 19th degree June 7-14th during the lunation in Gemini. Should be very interesting! Be prepped to shift and change it with the power of your Mind focused on LOVE!

It’s up to ALL of US!

This is where your Free Will comes into play and where the more awake and aware you can be, the better! The Magdalene and Lilith are both at Zero Point of Power. They are in a Mutable square, 90-degree angle, that is building power. Utilize their power. It is a Mutable force field of the Goddess for you to connect. This means that you must allow yourself to be flexible, adaptable, changeable and in your FLOW.

The Magdalene is exact Alcyone, the great Sun Star of the Pleiades. On the the 5:5 Portal Vortex, stellar gamma rays will be emanating and blasting the Earth with Love from the Pleiades! Open up, receive and absorb this energy!! Let the waves of Love be the ways of Man!

Oh and by the way, the great Primordial Goddess Lilith is aligned with Formalhaut, guarded by ArchAngel Gabriel. Together they blare the trumpets to call us all to RISE UP and behold the LIGHT of GODDESS/GOD/ALL/ONE/LOVE! ~ Judgement Day anyone? This is the time we have been praying for. Look up and smile because …


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