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Live Your Integrity – 3rd Quarter Aries Moon

3rd Quarter Aries “Survivors Moon” at 10 degrees on July 1, 2021, at 2:11 PM PDT/5:11 PM EDT. Lunar week: 07/01 – 08/2021. New Moon on 07/09/2021

The Aries 3rd Quarter Moon brings the Gemini lunar cycle to an end. The waning Moon draws you inward to release where you feel in conflict with duality. It is time to take charge of your energetic emotional body with integrity. Integrity is the quality of being honest with yourself and staying true to your strong moral principles.

The 3rd Quarter Aries Moon is known as “Survivors Moon” and mirrors your innate power to withstand and triumph over struggle. The Moon conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer. In my Solar Return reading with the lovely Lavandar of Starseed Hotline, we talked about the need for retreat programs for Starseeds who are suffering from PTSD. It is not easy to be living in a dense and somewhat dark dimension of consciousness. The Moon this week is saying “Hello” to that space within each Starseed that needs healing at this time. Whatever you need to heal, the Aries Moon says to go and get it now. This act of kindness will support you to fulfill your Starseed missions to help humanity evolve.

The Cancer Sun shines a light on the need to feel nourished. The Cancer Sun is receiving two lightning bolt YODS from the South Node in Sagittarius and Saturn RX in Aquarius. This is activation for next week’s New Moon in Cancer on July 9th. The Sun wants to nurture you with laughter to help raise your frequency. Who are your favorite funny people? Watch movies and read books that lift up your heart. Feel into the lightness of your being.

Mars, the ruler of Aries, sits exactly opposite Saturn at 12 degrees Leo. Mars is the “Tail of the Kite” in the lunar chart and is the energy that gives flight to your experiences this week. Mars is in harmony with the Aries Moon and brings forth the power of quiet reflection. Give yourself a gift of Love by letting yourself just BE. Lynda Hill says of this degree, “Look back at past experiences, especially those times that were threatening or exhausting in some way. Take some time for a little solitude and contemplate the overall picture of your life.” Aligning with this energy will put you in a much more empowered place in your life.

To find where this is happening in your personal Natal chart, join me in the Astro Alchemy Lab.


  • Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto continue their Retrograde journeys assisting you to slow down, reflect, review, and make the necessary changes that your Soul requires at this time.
  • Mars moves into Leo and forms a square to Uranus in Taurus.
  • Cancer Sun squares Chiron in Aries.
  • Balsamic Gemini “Teachers Moon” completes the week with the last Gemini lunation of the Gemini Nodal Wave.
  • To find where this is happening in your personal Natal chart, join me in the Astro Alchemy Lab.

Recommended Oracles This Week:

3rd Quarter Moon Lunar Week Frequency: ENERGETIC BREAKDOWN

3rd Quarter Moon Dynamics: Release ~ Let Go ~ Surrender
“I feel into FIRE and WATER to RELEASE old energy to create a new cycle this week!”
  • 3rd Quarter Moon Phase: Third Quarter Moon dynamics embrace the powers of Letting Go, Releasing, and Forgiveness. This lunar stage focuses on external wounds by drawing you inward to understand who may have hurt, offended, diminished, or neglected you. This week helps you to empty your ego and allow the Universe to support you.
  • The 3rd Quarter Aries Moon is the “Survivors Moon”
  • The 3rd Quarter Aries Moon passes through the 1st Lunar Mansion ~ “The Volcano”
  • The 3rd Quarter Aries Moon passes through the #21 Human Design Gateway ~ “The Treasurer”
  • Hint:  look to your Aries-ruled House and 1st House for your answers. Get your Natal Oracle or a 1:1 private Coherence session for personalized support. 
  • To get your full Cosmic downloads, sign up for the Astro Alchemy Lab!

Reflect upon the Gemini 2021 Lunation:



The 10 degree Aries Moon releases and celebrates: ATTAINMENT

“The President to the Republic of one’s Country”

Leaders must sacrifice themselves to an ideal, and suffer the consequences of their imperfections.

The 3rd Quarter Aries Moon brings the energy of honesty, courage, and wisdom. This week’s Symbol offers to your Psyche the highest expression of your integrity with the image of a President. In our current timelines, the people who hold this high office have not always lived up to its dream. Some pretend to be something they are not and some are killed for trying to make things better. The Moon pulls you into what motivates your Soul to live with integrity. Look to the ego or separated Self to see what needs to be released into the portal of the Balsamic Moon. What parts of you no longer are necessary as you move deeper into Self-empowerment? The ego serves to protect you from what you fear. But in truth, “the only thing to fear is fear itself”.

I find this week’s Sabian Symbol very curious as Mars passes through former President Trump’s Ascendant and Natal Mars giving his persona a fiery uplift! Could this be a comeback for Donald Trump? Who knows?! It will definitely prove to be interesting this summer!

To find where this is happening in your personal Natal chart, join me in the Astro Alchemy Lab. Take your knowledge to the next level!

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