1st Quarter Cancer “Weeping Moon” on April 1, 2020 at 12 degrees Cancer at 3:21 AM PDT/4:21 AM MDT/5:21 AM CDT/6:21 AM EDT
The Moon and Sun move into a waxing square. This is Aries Yang Fire vs. Cancer Yin Water power. Mother vs. Son energy, literally. I love that old saying, “I brought you into this world and I can take you out.” Can you feel the weeping energy as Mother Earth grieves over the loss of innocence that the imbalance of patriarchal structures has created? It’s palpable. It’s real. There is a saying in China, attributed to Confucious, that is said as a curse, “May you live in interesting times.”
The Aries Sun crosses through the field of Chiron and Lilith to light their powers up. The Wounded Healer, Chiron, desires for you to be aware of the expectations of others. Are there any agendas being projected onto you? There is a deep need to get beyond this. Forget trying to fit in anymore. You need to be who you are and be with others who accept and appreciate your true self. The wild Feminine Lilith activates your shadow to empower your ability to be a truth seeker. Be fierce to find the spiritual energies at work under all life’s experiences. Be willing to evolve and be guided towards higher consciousness. Seek privacy so you can connect to your inner world and realign with your spiritual power.
Moon Musings:
The good news is that divine Mother energy is super-charged and will always prevail. The Moon sits exactly at the Sirian point of 12 degrees Cancer. The Moon is the ruling planet of the sign of Cancer. This is a time when you can call upon the Great Sirian Mothers of the Cosmos. Sopdet, the Lady of Sirius, is an Egyptian goddess of the inundation of fertility. Her appearance causes the Nile to Flood during her heliacal rising at the end of July. She is a mother goddess who cleanses the pharaoh in the afterlife. (*Note: the process embalming of the dead took 70 days – the same amount of time that Sirius is not seen in the sky before it’s yearly rising.) Sopdet is a goddess of fertility to both the living and the dead.
The Moon partners with Kronos, the trans-Pluto planet, at 11 degrees. Kronos is bringing with him “master healer” energy. This trans-Pluto planet is known as the ancient Titan god, who ate his children. Teamed up with Mother Moon, she is not going to allow that. Instead, the Moon and divine forces can use this destructive energy to rid the planet of darker energies that are not in alignment with a Mother’s love.
Juno News:
The Earth and the Goddess, Juno, sit at 12 and 13 degrees Libra, the most powerful degree. Juno is retrograding now and bringing to the surface past life experiences to be resolved around relationships between the masculine and the feminine. You are being asked to take a deep dive journey into clearing your multi-dimensional bodies of impurities. Juno has a beautiful way of being diplomatic and direct, clear, and open at the same time. With the freshness and vitality of Aries, Juno partners with him to offer your relationships the blessing of “healing through sharing.”
To do this, Juno says to tap deeply into the stuck places of yourself and other people. You can detect what is wrong in a very acute way this week. Look to see how dysfunctions grow like a virus. Practice allowing what you discover to play itself out. You don’t have to do much. Instead, place your focus on knowing that your caring, non-judgemental observation is bringing healing energy.
Mercury News:
Continue watching for illusions, falsities, lies, and untruths as Mercury merges with Neptune this week. Stay vigilant and see the world from the perception of your Soul. Remember to be in the world, but not of it. This is your week to override the “psychic driving” of mass hypnosis. Walk the Beauty Way as a Devotee to Love. Forego struggling against mainstream media-driven agendas. Mercury says, “Take an innocent, calm approach to them. Simply observe them and be patient.” Your serene attitude and vigilance will dissolve problems that seem insurmountable. Be sensitive to what is happening in your present moment environment to know what is needed to initiate a transformation.
1st Quarter Waxing Moon Dynamics:
Challenges ~ Decisions ~ Action
First Quarter Moon energetics are about busting through challenges, making clear and powerful decisions, and taking ACTION! Adversity becomes your friend as you break through obstacles, barriers, and blocks. The waxing Cancer Moon (with a twist of Scorpio WATER energy) forms a square, or 90-degree angle, to the Aries 2nd decan Sun (adding a twist of Leo FIRE energy). This waxing square builds CARDINAL universal Qi to create a new cycle. Be bold with your innate Soul power. Use the power of leadership to make empowered changes this week.
With this energetic focus, you are invited to break through old, destructive subconscious patterns. In the Lunar Ladies Club, you’ll learn how to align with this focus and use power mantras like this one:
“I have WATER Power to destroy negative emotions this week!”
The Weeping Moon: 1st Quarter Cancer Moon
The Moon represents the energy of Mother and She is sailing through Her home sign of Cancer this week. The 1st Quarter Cancer Moon is known as “The Weeping Moon”. What could possibly make the Moon weep? Her child (Sun in Aries) feeling the pain of abandonment as the Orphaned Child — no home, no place, and no maternal energy. Ask yourself, “Where was I emotionally abandoned as a child?” This week, the Moon wants you to heal your Inner Child/Inner Unicorn. Watch out for self-pity as you are challenged to leave the safe haven of past childhood sadness to move through blocks and barriers towards your happiness. Remember your precious Little Girl and have compassion for what she has endured. Go back in time and show her how you made it to the other side and hug her to let her know “this too shall pass and all will be well”. **Check out Lunar Ladies’ Pinterest board: Moonbeams & Sweet Dreams
8TH Lunar Mansion: The Gap ~ “Soft Power”
The 1st Quarter Cancer New Moon passes through the 8th Lunar Mansion. This cosmic Mansion is guarded by the Moon and Pluto. The 8th Lunar Mansion opens you to the power of your Heart guidance. This is your ability to connect to the intuitive guidance of your feelings. This energy feels victorious when it is allowed to flow freely. This is your “Soft Power”. At its finest, it alchemizes any situation in your life with love and reason. Your emotional freedom is the victory that can be attained when you align yourself with the power of the 8th Lunar Mansion this week. This Mansion hosts the frequency of the Solar Zodiac or Summer Solstice which increases its vibration as the heart of GOD-GODDESS in you. This energy is meant for Collective use to dismantle old, out of date oligarchy/patriarchy structures with compassionate tidal wave forces. This tidal energy frees the stolen power of the Elite and returns it to the Greater Good, thus creating a future that benefits them all.
Moon vs. Sun
: — : MOON : — :
The 12 degrees 1st Quarter Cancer Moon moves through obstacles with this image:
“Many voices singing different songs at the same time.”
The Cancer 1st Quarter “Weeping Moon” could easily feel oppressive and confusing. Are you feeling overwhelmed and disoriented? Juno is helping you understand how to relate to all that you are feeling. Together with the Moon, their answer is, to let it happen, and to allow your focus to move easily through these times. Let go of anxiety and frantically trying to solve situations that feel out of control to you. The Moon wants you to give up control. There is wonderful harmonic music coming from the Stars to soothe your Soul. Spontaneously create with this freedom. Allow the Cosmos to express through you like a cool, summer breeze. You will know you are in trouble and outside of this vibration when you try to stop this flow. Fulfill your purpose to be attuned to your inner guidance and allow the hierarchies of Wisdom and Love to flow without reservation.
- Be in your awareness of the preciousness of everything around you. Clearly hear the subtle and wondrous music that nature is creating everywhere.
- Center, ground, and clear your physical self to be more sensitive. You will be able to experience a much wider range of frequencies around you.
- Tune in to the energies of Nature to become aware of being apart of its music. You can also then help others to become more aware of their own inner rhythms and music.
- Open yourself up to the multitude of energies around you. Select what you most resonate with and blend it into something nourishing.
Check your Cancer-ruled House. Where is this happening in your Natal chart?
: — : SUN : — :
The 12 degree Aries Sun appears as:
“A breeze carries a soap bubble thousands of miles.”
The Aries Sun generates a soap bubble was from a faraway time – a glorious time of beauty and wonder. Tell the Air element that magic is needed in the world today. Work with the Air to bless the world and seed new ideas, hopes and dreams into the minds and hearts of people everywhere. The Air will listen to you now. The Air will create your blessings into the colors, that will travel, swirl, and protect anyone who is in need. These magical bubbles will find a home in those who feel lost and need help to breathe in Joy again. The purity of this sensitive and beautiful creative act is also what protects you. Act with the highest integrity and you will succeed at this task of innocence. Your lightness of being is your best defense against challenges, emergencies, and crises. Be strong and resilient to create a blankness on which new hopes and dreams, like the rainbows on the surface of the soap bubble, may appear!
- Do whatever it takes to care for yourself and you will find your way through these tough times.
- Become one with everything. Let go of isolation and be refreshed and cleansed by this experience.
- You have come so far and you are still intact. You are now ready to journey into your depths.
- Thoroughly cleanse and clear your Soul. Turn yourself into a light that can journey into the deepest darkness.
Check your Aries-ruled House. Where is this happening in your Natal chart?
Wrap Up:
Find your focus and your flow as you connect to breaking through illusions and delusions in your life. Join us in the Lunar Ladies VIP Club this week to get the tools you need to take quick action on the energy available. The Sun and Mercury’s alchemical energy is fueling the winds of change. You will connect most powerfully with these lunar insights when you know where it is happening in your Astrology chart. Knowing your chart reconnects you to your Universal Flow and natural harmony. Are you ready to be there now? No better time than now to act! Right here and right now!