Leo New Moon at 12 degrees on August 4, 2024, at 4:18 AM PDT/7:18 AM EDT
The Leo New Moon and Sun align with your natural innate ability as a soul to change your future. With Mercury going retrograde hours after the New Moon, you can tap into your creative potential by reviewing what has not worked for you in the past. Remember, the definition of insanity is repeating the past and expecting a different result.
Leo’s New Moon emanates the 2nd Decan of the sign that draws forth the mutable power of Sagittarius (2 degrees). The emphasis mirrors the Mercury retrograde experience in that both the Leo and Sagittarius wisdom degrees marry intuition with logic. Contemplation and strategy are your game changers over the next six months in the areas of your life that Leo rules in your Natal Chart.
The weakness in the New Moon chart is found in the Asteroid Lucifer at 26 degrees Gemini. Lucifer is helping you align with a bigger aspect of your true self. To do this, you must realize where in your life you feel left out. Where do you feel dissatisfied and look elsewhere? If you are in a state of limbo or feel alienated from your inner source of happiness, look for where you experienced abandonment from your family as a child. Where were you restricted or had limits placed on your activity? This is what needs to be healed during this lunar cycle.
To successfully align with this energy, get a New Moon Oracle reading. This reading will show you what your personalized soul medicine is for this time, plus the potential over the next six months.
Mercury goes Retrograde in Virgo
The New Moon and Sun open up a window of time for Mercury to embark on his retrograde journey. This journey takes him from 4 degrees Virgo to 21 degrees Leo. On August 18th, the Sun and Mercury will form an inferior conjunction to activate a new cycle of manifestation.
The Sabian Symbol journey begins with a person dreaming of Faeries and concludes with a carrier pigeon. Mercury is helping you marry your intuition with logic to achieve a state of enlightenment. This is a very normal and natural process for a soul who is having a human experience. To achieve this during Mercury’s retrograde sojourn, realize that your dreams at night and your experiences during the day are two sides of one coin. Reconcile both experiences to merge with a deeper more whole state of being.
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Venus + Pluto = Persephone Exchange
At the time of the Leo New Moon, Venus stands poised to change from Leo to Virgo. At the karmic degree of destiny (29), Venus receives a lightning bolt of spiritual power from Pluto retrograde at 0 degrees Aquarius and Neptune retrograde at 29 degrees Pisces. This “Finger of God” alignment frees Venus to return to her garden of wellness and delight. This occurs during her transit through Virgo from August 6 to 29, 2024. This portends an accelerated time of growth. Think of the “greening effect” when more plants cover the Earth, creating a healthier environment.
When Persephone returns from the underworld of Hades (Pluto), her mother Ceres (Demeter) rejoices by making everything grow. Expect luscious growth and abundance by spending time with Venus in her garden of delight!
Gemini Lunar Cycle: Next 2 Weeks
- New Moon at 12 degrees Leo Week: 08/04-11/2024
- New Moon Lunar Mansion – 10th: “The Fountain”
- New Moon Sabian Symbol: “An old sea captain rocking”
- 1st Quarter Lunar Week in Scorpio (20 degrees) “Executioner’s Moon”: 08/12-18/2024
- 1st Quarter Lunar Mansion – 18th: “The Sacrifice”
- 1st Quarter Sabian Symbol: “A soldier derelict in his duty”
- Full Moon in Aquarius 27 degrees: 08/19/2024 – “A tree felled and sawed”
The Sabian Symbol Story: 12 degrees Leo
An old sea captain rocking
By contemplating the past we add value to the future.
The Leo New Moon brings you the energy to rebirth your joy and creativity through the power of contemplation. The Leo New Moon and Mercury Retrograde are helping you create time and space for quiet reflection. Take this special, slowed-down time to look back into the past to find times when you were threatened, diminished, or restricted in any way. These areas of your life are ready to be healed and transformed. Venus says, “Spend time in the garden with me!”
The Earth is traveling through the Aquarius constellation at 12 degrees. This degree invites you to measure the energy temperature around you. When you become more aware of your environment, you can gain more control over the future. This is possible because you can play with what is working with you and redirect what is working against you.
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