Uranus goes Direct: January 18, 2022 at 10 degrees Taurus
Uranus, the planet of revolution, goes direct on the day after the Cancer Full Moon. As the Moon changes signs, she forms a square to Uranus to liberate your Core Self. Your heart chakra is the power that is the wind beneath your wings. The Saturn-Uranus square energy of 2021 is refueled to clear the residue in 2022.
Uranus went retrograde in August 2021 at 14 degrees Taurus. Look back to see what has shifted in your consciousness since then.
The Cancer Full Moon wanes into Leo and forms another Full Moon with Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is in Uranus’ home sign of Aquarius and the Moon in Leo is in Uranus’ counterpart. Mercury forms a Fixed Square to Uranus to fuel his forward motion.
Jupiter flows into a high spiritual Quincux position to the Leo Moon. At your core, Jupiter guides you to check in with your community. What can your soul offer to your community in 2022? When you find something that resonates with your spirit and you show up in this vibration, you will meet with very special opportunities, people, and places. Give it a try! Remember to let your heart guide you.
Chiron flows into a harmonic trine with the Leo Moon. In order to heal, access the wisdom of the past and weave it with what has the most value in the modern world. Your wellness is derived from seeing a bigger picture. This includes the gifts from past, present, and future. Concentrate on how to bring more unity into your life. As you do, your individual growth adds to the evolution of the whole of society.
Venus Retrograde forms an elemental Earth trine to Uranus in her home sign of Taurus. She graces Uranus moving forward with the powerful Goddess degree of 13 in Capricorn. Venus reemphasizes the direction to revisit the beauty of the past through connecting with ancient civilizations. Which civilizations speak to you? Do you like Crete, ancient India, Ankor Wat, Egypt, or the Celtic stone circles (to name a few)? Tune into how the ancient past speaks to you. As you do, you ground a deep harmony within you with the land, sea, and sky!
Uranus Nurtures the Flower of your Heart
Uranus goes direct at 10 degrees Taurus. The Sabian Symbol is “A person sprinkling long rows of flowers”. Uranus is the energy of your Crown Chakra and in Taurus, the Heart Chakra blooms from a higher consciousness. In order to do this, take the time to nurture your physical self in 2022. Remember your mind needs to take a rest as well as the body. The mind connects to Spirit and is the part of you that flows divine energy into your physical body through your emotions. If you take the time you need to rest and reset, Uranus will gift you with lightning speed — or a quickening for your personal wellness. While you are resting, maintain being responsible for what needs your attention in your life. Like plants, give what needs attention your “hello’s” on a daily basis. Stay mindful to weed out negative thought patterns that disconnect you from spirit. Make quiet moments a priority. Nurture your creativity and create beauty wherever you go.
The Lunar Nodes Shift!
The Lunar Nodes flow backward and foster opportunities for the Collective to shift.
At the same time Uranus goes direct, the Lunar Nodes of Fate change signs. At 29 degrees, the Nodal journey in Taurus-Scorpio starts with beauty, wealth, and riches. Behavior is of vital importance because Taurus and Scorpio will fix modes of being into place. This is a time of breaking what does not align with your soul apart. The key over the next 18 months is to maintain your grace and your center of attention. Peacock is the Spirit Animal of this path. The feathers of the Peacock have many ‘eyes’. These eyes are said to be divine watchers. Your spirit guides are watching for intrusion and deception. There is a magnitude of healing available in the dimensions of beauty and nature.
Scorpio is in the force that will unwind bound energy to free it for transformation. Scorpio as the South Node warns of not being honest with your real emotions. Find healthy outlets for any turbulent emotions that lay deep in your emotional body. Any “Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde” energy will be discovered and released. Scorpio is clearing falsities in our Collective and is the power of the Cosmos that reveals hidden truths, secrets, and lies. Watch for Trickster energy and any unintegrated energies playing tricks and causing trouble. That troublesome vibration is on its way out of this dimension.
Recommended Guidance:
Soul Purpose Starseed Series
Your Soul has a Purpose: Aligning with your Destiny!
Your Natal Astrology Chart embeds your Soul Purpose Starseed Mission. In it you can see your life purpose, your gifts, skills, and talents, unresolved issues from other lifetimes, and how your Soul will expand and fulfill your divine mission on the Earth. Add in Coherence Sessions to make this experience the most powerful!
If you do not know your time of birth, you can have Shannon configure it based on a special set of questions and important transits in your life. This is an additional fee of $45. You can add that here.