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Happy New Year

Happy New Lunar Year! Access your Ideal Future now!

Happy Losar! Happy New Year everyone! Monday’s New Moon in Aquarius celebrates the New Lunar year heralding the Fire Monkey to take center stage and rev up your life this year! The Fire Monkey brings in the New Moon @ 19 degrees of Aquarius on Monday, February 8th at 6:39 AM PST. 2016 starts with Aquarius energy with a side of Gemini (2nd decan), or “Change your thoughts, change your world.” 2016 is an Evolution Year!


Aquarius is a fixed Air sign that governs idealistic thinking, connecting with others and creating a better future. Fixed signs create strongholds for others to gather around. The Aquarian mind sees solutions rather than problems and is always thinking “outside the box”. Unique and uninfluenced by outside forces, Aquarius dances to the beat of her/his own drum. It is in this fashion, that Aquarius energy attracts her/his Tribe. “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”


This Lunar Year and current Lunar cycle is like a hot potato! There is a lot going on, too hot to handle all at once and massive opportunities for change! Let’s start with the Saturn/Uranus/Pluto alignment occurring now through the Lunar Eclipse on 3/23/16 Spring Equinox. This alignment of major outer planets has the power to “reweave” the Universe. At this magnitude, imagine how your own personal life can be rewoven! This communion ignites faithful acts of courage needed to respond to your own Inner (Feminine) Wisdom. It takes both faith and courage to listen to that “still small voice”. Start by acknowledging those “taps” on your shoulder that whisper, “It’s time for change.” Follow this by being ready to change. Do not resist, because these powerful outer planets make it futile to do so.

Lunar Eclipse plus this alignment are designed to blow away cobwebs of complacency and inertia in your life. It’s about your Journey and not the destination of where you think you are going. It is the experience of getting there that is real. Be prepared to live the life of your dreams. Make those necessary changes you need to claim the life that is yours. Change now. You decide.

This is a Tsunami folks! Allow these maverick waves to flood your being. Let the vibrations disrupt and move your surface calm that plays it too safe in your life. Have faith! Have courage! This experience is both rejuvenating and renewing and promises to influence every corner of your life!


Throughout February – the month of Love, Jupiter retrograding in sacred Virgo forms an octave to Chiron “Wounded Healer” married to the South Node of past lives in the last chapter of the Zodiac, Pisces. This energy propels us to know ourselves at every level to dissolve and let go our past wounds to receive a Greater Truth. The Virgo-Pisces octave blesses us with the understanding that, “It is an act of Self-Love to release the past of pain and sorrow.”  In order to transcend this life experience and evolve, you must get to know yourself as a physical being in a material world. Understand that the past creates the present and it is an act of self-love to let it go so a new future can be yours ….. whoosh!

The truth of our true nature is that we all are spiritual co-creator beings. Being human and Humanity (physicality in a material reality) as a whole, is our divine inheritance and our responsibility. Dive into the depths of understanding that we all share. Open up your mind, your perspective to the value of diversity and uniqueness with this Aquarian New Moon lunation. Affirm your right to heal and allow things hidden to initiate you into new states of awareness.

2016 offers you extraordinary experiences when you find buried treasure hidden within the mundane, everyday life. Reframe your mind and expand into wholeness. Doing so invites the past to complete itself closing one door while the other one opens …

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