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Go Deep into your Inner Sanctum: Healing with 1st Quarter Scorpio Executioner’s Moon

1st Quarter Scorpio “Executioner’s Moon” at 14’56” degrees on August 7, 2019 at 10:31 AM PDT/2:31 PM EST/6:31 PM UK


The Elixir of Scorpio is deep. It combines the elements of trust, surrender, betrayal, and a rising from your ashes. This Fixed Energy gives you the power to transform. It’s Leo Fire vs. Scorpio Water. 5th House of Pleasure vs. 8th House of Surrender. It’s INTENSE!

Are you ready?

The Scorpio Moon is giving you the power to put your Leo New Moon intentions into Action all week long. Scorpio energy is deep waters that spirals you into the memories of your ancient powerful Wisdom. This is your guiding force for using Right Brain emotional power to breakthrough obstacles this week. Your focus is being magnetically pulled into the Leo Sun and Venus vibration. Venus empowers your external Self with 13 degrees of Gold Goddess Power ~ (check out Aishatu Ahmadu’s podcast!)

The Leo Sun’s Lion Heart is persuading you to reorient your internal rage and sadness. Shift this energy into pursuing your path of play and passion. Scorpio Moon’s waxing square helps you breakthrough old rage and righteousness, transforming it into forgiveness to all those who need it. Take this week to turn rage into passion. Turn fight power into a dance with truth, justice, and intimacy. Cue Westside Story!

Venus takes you towards the center of a galaxy where the concentration of stars becomes dense. Venus and your ancient Star Elders remind you of the regenerative powers inherent in allowing your being to express the spiritual light. Tap into the positive energies of the Universe. This powerful and ancient light will protect your from the forces of darkness and chaos. THANK YOU VENUS AND URANUS!



1st Quarter Waxing Moon Dynamics:

Challenges ~ Decisions ~ Action

First Quarter Moon energetics are about busting through challenges, making clear and powerful decisions, and taking ACTION! Adversity becomes your friend to break through obstacles, barriers, and blocks. The waxing Scorpio Moon forms a square, or 90 degree angle, to the Leo 2nd decan Sun. This waxing square builds Fixed universal Qi to increase your power. The First Quarter Moon’s lunar energy is in Fixed signs – the power to attract intensely moves this Universal Qi energy through your life. This force field is strong and forward moving. You are invited to breakthrough old subconscious patterns that are destructive, rather than creative, in nature with this type of energetic focus. In the Lunar Ladies Club, we align with this, using the following power mantra: “I deepen FIRE and WATER to move with POWER to breakthrough my obstacles this week!”

Executioner’s Moon:  1st Quarter Scorpio Moon

The 1st Quarter Scorpio Moon is called the “Executioner’s Moon”. The energetics of this lunar phase are about breaking through old distrust and betrayal patterns so you can realize your Leo New Moon intentions. The Executioner’s Moon is about providing you the power to sever secrets, lies, and oppression in your personal space. The Super New Moon in Leo has already initiated a new cycle for you and now this becomes your week to break free of the old. This is the time to tune into your heart and ask for Divine Mercy to shine through. The energy of this Moon tempts you to fall into the feeling of self-righteousness and the desire to pursue emotional vengeance. Reframe these moments into: “Wow! Look at how much passion I can feel? My emotional range is very big!”

Executioner’s Moon asks you, “Who or what do you condemn? Who or what can you not forgive?” This energy puts your power into a place of emotional bondage. Free yourself!


18TH Lunar Mansion:  “The Sacrifice”

Guarded by Mars and Jupiter, the 2nd decan Scorpio Moon moves into the 18th Lunar Mansion this week. The 18th Lunar mansion is blessed with the power to awaken a healing within you. You are invited to create your own protected self-healing sanctuary. The 18th Lunar Mansion wants you to understand the priceless value of your health. Do not sacrifice your health and well-being! It is the most precious gift you own. Creating your sanctuary now will benefit you your whole life. Do not pass up this powerful opportunity to realize the value of your well-being. Take not only good care, but excellent care of your health. Scorpio’s energy says your true well being nature is rooted deep in your emotional body. Build an intense devotion to your body temple. Clear your body of old sexual attachments. Tune into your 2nd Sacral chakra to see what hidden “enemies” reside there that may be robbing you of your life force. Do not sacrifice yourself to predatory energies invading your space unconsciously. Be conscious and take full ownership of your body.


Moon vs. Sun

: — : MOON : — :

The 1st Quarter Scorpio Moon at 15 degrees moves through your blocks with this image:
“Intently and faithfully a woman observes her own breath.”

The 1st Quarter Scorpio Moon deepens your commitment to living in the Now. Your creativity comes alive when you merge with the present moment as your Soul moves through time and space. To be deeply rooted in the present moment you must be able to let go. What you hold onto is related to the past. Living from your past makes you fearful of the future – because you have to brace yourself against what you know is coming! The Scorpio Executioner’s Moon teaches you to let go.

Scorpio’s domain is death and rebirth. If you let go of any fear around death you can embrace the joyful presence of living. All that is found in the NOW. This is the wisdom of Scorpio at 15 degrees. Weakness can be worked through strength. Embrace your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. That is where Scorpio’s power is within you when you triumph through overcoming. Be patient and lovingly devoted to your Soul.

The Moon is in a Grand Water Trine Kite with the North Nodal Wave and Neptune Rx. Saturn Rx is the Tail of the Kite and is the force that drives the harmony into action. Saturn advises you with the wisdom to see beyond the density of the physical world to experience your life with free, flowing beauty. Let your imagination take over and spend most of your time this week in your Right Brain. How? You must have a creative outlet. Draw, paint, or doodle. What comes from your imagination will surprise you! Your imagination and creativity magnetizes hidden things from your ancient memories. These memories will greatly expand your understanding of your own past and who you really are. Isn’t that exciting?


: — : SUN : — :

The 2nd decan Leo Sun at 15 degrees appears as
“An ancient text, long kept secret, is revealed to the public.”

The Leo Sun shines light on your valuable and special energy. The Sun shows you that people admire and learn so much from you. Release the need for validation and instead, ignite what is special in everyone you encounter. You are called to uplift others and shine light on their spirits. This is the highest calling. Wealth and abundance finds its way to you when you light others up. Be giving and helpful. What you do with your blessings is the key to your success. Seeking attention feeds your lower self and weakens your gifts. Fill yourself up and make it your focus to serve the needs of others. This is the essence of your hidden, ancient wisdom.

Sun arrives at Mars degree in the New Moon chart. The Sun continues to align with Venus to gift you this awareness:   Angels are everywhere! Because the Angels are making themselves known to you, they are asking to work WITH you. You are asked to be a messenger for the angels to your human brothers and sisters. All you have to do is remember this and let it happen. Let your self-esteem grow. The truth is that everyone is a great resource of learning, wisdom, joy, and delight. Keep focusing on the loving connections that are everywhere around you.

Wrap Up:

Listen to the emanations of Pallas Athena as she travels with Spica, the Good Star in the Virgo constellation. The Goddess blesses you with the ability to bring harmony to all situations. An inner guidance is in play, even if it isn’t conscious. Deep changes are being urged to break through blockages in your relationships. In the depths, nothing happens fast, but given time it can happen in the most full and complete way. At it highest, the energy is a universal healer, and can turn everything into a medicine. Be unafraid of instability. Stability is homeostasis, where nothing seeks to change. Instability brings enough energy into a system to change it — for the better. When you let go of your need for stability, the forces of creativity and change are allowed to transmute anything and everything.

*STARSEED TIP*:  Bury river rocks or stones in the Earth in the shape of the Orion constellation.

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