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Finding your True Value with the Merchant’s Moon

Welcome to connecting with the 3rd Quarter Moon in Taurus on August 14, 2017 at 22 degrees Taurus and 22 degrees Sun occurring at 6:15 PM PST/9:15 PM EST!

The waning Third Quarter Moon provides you a week of reflection and support. Your Sun Child energy is now asking the emotional Merchant to show you your true value and worth. As you travel inward, what do you need to complete this first part of this Leo double lunar cycle? What is beginning to appear in your Eclipse evolutionary experience. Hmmm?… Inquiring minds want to know!

The Merchant’s Moon:

The Merchant’s Moon invites you to reflect upon your values:  what value do you place upon money mirrors the value you place upon yourself. Is money or self-worth a tangible thing that you chase after? Or is it an energy that you are one with – attracting towards yourself? As the Sun Child’s lunar cycle flows into his final foundational lunar phase, you are being asked to reflect upon how you play with the energy of self-worth, money, abundance, value and security.

The chart for this 3rd Quarter “Merchant’s Moon” is filled with magic and mystery. There is a double Kite (two Grand Trines with Opposition Tails), Mystical Rectangle of Alchemy and a double Yod “Finger of GOD” pointing to the Sun/North Node/Mars conjunction!

The Sabian Symbol Story:

22 Taurus Moon “A Jewelry Shop filled with Valuable Gems” vs. 22 Leo Sun “In a Circus a Bareback Rider displays her Dangerous Skill”.

In the 22 Taurus Moon story, you ponder what makes something valuable. With the symbol of the gems, it takes a conjoined process of nature to create the precious stones and craftsmanship to bring out their elegant beauty. Look within yourself and see what Nature has created as you and what you do to refine your total and complete worth.

In the 22 Leo Sun story, it takes courage and skill to ride bareback and to play with powerful Shakti energy. How do you tame, control and master your vital life force? Is it wild, untamed and creating out of control dramas? Or is your ego in control, in check to serve a higher purpose of Love and virtue? Look within yourself this week and take note how this also is unfolding on the world stage. It’s really interesting! (I’m referring to Donald Trump and North Korea’s egos.)

The Takeaway:

It is so very interesting about the double Yod pointing towards 22 Leo/North Node “Soul Expansion and Mars (masculine ego). Universal Consciousness is saying, “Look here! Very important!” The planets creating the Yod are Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces both in retrograde motion. So karmic timing is at hand this week to align your Soul’s compassionate energy with your transformation of the patriarchal paradigm. The key is to consciously align with a spiritual understanding of your ego, heart and Soul’s growth towards the expansion of your inner Sun Child’s creative self-expressions of play.

DO THIS:  Forego the drama. Check your ego at the doorway of the Heart. Focus on your internal journey of what will to transform your inner precious stone into an elegant, artisanal gem. Find your value and inner worth. Stick to your spiritual path of “Chop wood, carry water.” Liberate and free your Gypsy Soul to travel the cosmic highways of Divine Truth and Love.



4 responses to “Finding your True Value with the Merchant’s Moon

  1. Thank you with LOVE <3 Shannon….Poignant Information and Definitely A GREAT TIME for Self Reflection and Growth….Energies VERY Strong Indeed….Blessings, LOVE <3, Angels, and Prayers sent for You, All and This EARTH PLANET…
    So In Need NOW <3 <3 <3

  2. Shannon,
    I was on your webinar in Randina Marie’s group and now reading this, I will tell you that both times I experienced these incredible tingles as though every cell in my body is aligned. You are excellent

    1. Hi Tina! Oh wow, that is so AWEsOMe!! Thank you so much for your love, being on the webinar and sharing your wonderful energy here! Let’s keep tuning in together and shapeshift this planet back to the Garden of Paradise for all :-). Woohoo!

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