Sagittarius New Moon at 20 degrees on December 12, 2023, at 3:32 PM PDT/7:32 PM EDT
The Sagittarius New Moon is occurring right after the opening of the 12:12 portal gateway. During this momentous celebration, the New Moon also opens the doorway for Mercury to go retrograde at the same time. This new journey is about returning to another time. Sagittarius offers you the gifts of the mutable Fire element sign. The gift inherent to this Zodiac sign is to see the bigger picture from an expanded view of Spirit. This is the origin point for what the Soul desires to accomplish during this incarnation.
Mercury goes retrograde at 8 degrees Capricorn at 11:09 PM PDT. This journey heralds a potent spiritual opportunity to become a Sacred Magician in the material world. Mercury shares an angelic message that all worldly success that passes the tests of time is the result of spiritual attunement with the Higher Self.
Over the next two weeks, this lunar cycle, along with Mercury, will initiate transformational opportunities for your soul’s growth. Connect with the Fire element by lighting candles with prayers and burning old lists of things you no longer find valuable. What new experiences does your soul need to live an optimum spiritual life?
Sagittarius Lunar Cycle: Next 2 Weeks
- New Moon at 20 degrees Sagittarius Week: 12/12-18/2023
- New Moon Lunar Mansion – 21st: “The Duel”
- New Moon Sabian Symbol: “A child and a dog with borrowed glasses”
- 1st Quarter Lunar Week in Pisces “Martyr’s Moon”: 12/19-25/2023
- 1st Quarter Lunar Mansion 28th- “The Great Sleep”
- Full Moon in Cancer: 12/26/2023
Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius
Jupiter is the ruler of the sign Sagittarius. At the time of the New Moon, Jupiter returned to 6 degrees Taurus. Jupiter first crossed this degree on June 14, 2023. Jupiter’s nature is to be expansive joy in your life. At 6 degrees Taurus, Jupiter guides you toward honest self-realization. This spiritual work enables you to achieve your true potential as a soul having a human experience. Spend time being honest with yourself to further your spiritual growth. Jupiter turns direct on December 31, 2023. This direct motion energy is the perfect frequency to start the new year of 2024.
Uranus, the Great Awakener
Uranus is discharging a powerful YOD aspect to the New Moon and Sun. This discharge is a high-voltage stream of spiritual consciousness. Uranus is currently retrograding at 19 degrees Taurus. Uranus magnetically pulls on Jupiter’s movement, too. Uranus guides the spiritual journey with one goal in mind — enlightenment. At 19 degrees, Virgo is pulled into the mix. In the current Virgo vibration. we find the power of the Black Moon Lilith and Juno, the Goddess of partnership.
Uranus wants to empower your ability to be stable during times of change. The key is to find the balance between two awesome forces – spiritual liberation and worldly involvement. Uranus is awakening you to know when you are out of balance. It looks like this. Too much in one direction and you can only access the surface of life and experience superficiality. Too much in the other direction, you have too much reliance on the external world and the result is stagnation of spirit.
The Sabian Symbol Story: 20 degrees Sagittarius
A Child and a Dog with Borrowed Glasses
The Sagittarius New Moon is bringing you the energy of looking at your experiences in a reversed light. Instead of your habitual way of perceiving the world, what if you allowed yourself to see things in a new way? In the Sabian Symbol image, the dog wears glasses. This means that the dog has the most clarity in the situation and the human is in a junior position of needing to learn what is going on. This symbol also points to looking more at your instinctual nature that can tune into the environment, and utilize all your senses, to understand how to proceed further.
The Earth is traveling through the Gemini constellation at 20 degrees. This degree allows the energy of conflict to be utilized as a positive tool for change. When there is a difference of opinion, it is healthy for both sides of an issue to voice their opinion. This leads to finding a deeper truth that exists somewhere in between the opposing forces. Allow yourself to not only have the courage to voice your conviction, but the confidence to listen to the other side. Knowing both will lead you to a deeper level of understanding.