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WTF: What The Frequency Podcast

Episode 6: WTF! What the Frequency Aries New Moon Podcast

Today we have the New Moon in Aries “High Frequency” Cosmic downloads on the show! Shannon is opening your Higher Mind and answering a Listener’s question during this episode.

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Cosmic 5D Downloads:

Welcome to a new cycle and a new Zodiac Year. 2020 has now officially begun according to the Cosmos. This is the time of the year when the Sun and Moon align in Aries to kick off the energetics for this year. This energy will take you through to March 2021.

Humanity is poised to “Turn the beat around” (read the New Moon blog post). It is time to release the old paradigms of greed, power, and enslavement to lack and limitation. A major reset is in motion. The Cosmos is helping us make the transitions. This is our “Clarion Call” to take the lead and become Spirit Warriors. Here’s how you can merge and align:

  • Maintain a positive outlook
  • Envision how you want this year and your world to be
  • Prepare your soil to grow your highest hopes and dreams
  • Be mindful of what you think and feel – here lies the test of the Spirit Warrior!

The Sabian Symbol for this new Zodiac year is “A Triangle with Wings”. This symbolizes the desire to reach a higher vibration and to live a life of pure devotion, or bhakti. The wings are you evolving your Angel wings. Your emerging Self desires to reach this ideal, glorified state. Your whole being longs for this eternal Self-realization. This acceleration of your being has activated into a NEW DIMENSION of one life for all.


When we look at the Sun and Moon, we are looking from the vantage point of Earth. The Earth is always in opposition to the Sun, that is why in Astrology we say your “Sun sign”. But did you know you have an Earth sign, too? Your Earth sign is the exact opposite sign of your Sun sign. For example, this New Moon and Sun’s Earth sign is Libra, the opposite sign of Aries.  Pretty cool, huh?!

The Earth sign Symbol at 4 degrees Libra is “A human being listening to the Music of the Spheres”. The Earth is your grounding vibration to bring the Cosmos into your reality. The direction is to listen to the harmonics of the Universe. I love this! As a sound healer, this is literally music to my ears. If you are interested in Harmonics and sound healing, check out my Love2020 sound healing course

Remember that 2020 is a “4” year – a year to set your foundation in place. You have the four corners of a square and the four elements ready to go. Aries knows how to take this energy and “burn rubber”. It’s go-time, Soul Tribe!

Another aspect to remember is that 2020 is the Year of the Rat. This means that working together in groups is where the power is. You are taking care of business by setting into motion the details for stellar experiences in 2021. Work with your Soul Team. This is why the Lunar Ladies Club experience is so needed in 2020 because it is a high Soul Vibe Tribe already set into motion. And believe me, we know how to work together in the spirit of cooperation. Definitely join us.

The 4 degree New Moon in Aries on March 24th activates your birthing to arrive brand new and fresh on the scene for 2020. Let’s dive deeper into the Looking Glass and take a closer look at Aries energy and finding it in your Natal Chart

  • The New Moon in Aries occurs March 24, 2020, at 2:28 am pst. This is known as the “Newborn’s Moon”. 
  • 1st Decan of Aries – so Aries-Aries! It’s a Fire sign and Cardinal quality which means to be a courageous and passionate Leader. You are the thoroughbred first out of the gate!
  • Aries is the first sign on the Zodiac Wheel and bursts forth with brand new life. It’s Qi time!
  • Aries rules the 1st House of the Emerging Self, physicality, appearance and your divine “I AM” Presence
  • Aries is ruled by Mars – the Spirit Warrior. Mars power is being called into action to be a protector of all life on planet Earth. Are you ready to play this game for life? Say, “Yes, I am!”

Take Initiative to increase your power now through April 21st. Like Nike says, “Just do it!” The Moon fires up your internal Self with emotional courage and the Sun fires up your external Self with Yang firepower.

Before we bust out the gates too fast, I want to remind you about the frequency of New Moons.  What are New Moons?

New Moons are the time of the month when new beginnings take place. Just like a seed that sprouts, New Moons are the quiet time when life can conceive itself, again and again. New Moons need quiet time. Be quiet, still and deep within yourself during the week of the New Moon. This is how you energetically align with the power of initiating something new. It’s not the time to run around crazy. It’s the time to move slowly as if you have a newborn baby in your arms. It’s quiet, soft and sacred. Remember you have to let yourself be born first, take your first baby steps and then get your fundamentals down. Once you do, then you can definitely fly into action!

Along with the timing of this Aries Lunar Cycle is March 24th to April 21st, there are many things happening in our Cosmic Neighborhood supporting you in 2020. In the first two weeks of the lunar cycle: 

  1. the Sun conjuncts Chiron. The Sun lights up your basic wounds. In Aries, this connects to the initial separation from the Divine. Leaving Source energy of Love and Light, lowering your vibration to the densities of the physical world. Recognize this and reconnect your roots into your true identity – your Divinity.
  2. Mars goes into Aquarius and conjuncts Saturn. Mars returns to the feet of the Hierophant, Saturn, to get instructions on how to merge with your future Self. Mars is being called into action to lead for the benefit of all. Saturn will be giving you wise counsel to attune with your Crown Chakra and know your Soul gifts and how to put them into action NOW. 
  3. Venus goes into Gemini. Now your inner Masculine and inner Feminine in AIR signs. Venus will be shifting your mindset back into what you value and appreciate. Focus your attention on what you find beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Take this time to beautify your mind. 
  4. Mercury conjuncts Neptune. Mercury helps Venus to attune your mind to more beautiful energy by seeing what are the illusions in your life. Neptune energy shows you what is murky and foggy in your belief systems. Mercury shows you that how you speak creates your reality.
  5. Jupiter conjuncts Pluto for the first of three big “kapows”. Jupiter expands the Pluto-Saturn conjunction to help make bigger transformational shifts in the rules and regulations of your life. You will see this very exaggerated on the global stage. Stay tuned for this is just one of three powerful conjunctions. The next are June and November 2020.
  6. A Grand Air Trine of the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Saturn. 

The Lunar Mansions highlighted this cycle are:

  • Two Signals or Two Swords – Newborn’s Moon
  • The Gap of Misty Clouds – Weeping Moon
  • The Door of Claws – Artist’s Moon
  • The Confessions of a Glutton – Miser’s Moon

What do you feel when you allow your imagination to observe these realms?

Your Aries lunation experience along with the powerful energy of Mars is calling you to be a Leader for all sentient life on the planet. As Mars meets up with Saturn in Aquarius next week, Uranus will be looking for who are the best candidates to steward the Earth. Uranus will be promoting, over the next 7 years, high-frequency Souls to be in service to Gaia. Are you one of those Souls?

Take the initiative to put into action ways that you steward the Earth. Reduce consumption. Clean your environment. Make mindful choices on utilizing precious resources. See the Earth as sacred and give thanks for being gifted to live on such a precious planet. Be kind to animals, plants, and ecosystems. Acknowledge the directions and the elements. Become more and more attuned to the sentient consciousness of all the life around you. It’s alive and it’s aware. 

Aries energy wants you to be a Spirit Warrior. 

Concentrate on making yourself into a humble student. Look. Learn. Listen. Find out about Indigenous ways and seek to find yourself living more in harmony with the land. This is how you start your 2020 5D experience! 

This Podcast is sponsored by Lunar Ladies Club

This episode is sponsored by the Lunar Ladies Club. The Lunar Ladies Club is our High Vibe Soul Tribe community of wise women. Every lunar cycle, we collaborate, connect and create with the power of the Moon and the natural rhythms of the Divine Feminine. The Lunar Ladies invite you to join us in the Club in 2020 as this new Zodiac year begins. Get all the cosmic tools you need to be a Super Soul Star in 2020. Find out more here.

Listener Question:

This episode’s Listener Question comes to us from Lunar Ladies Lifestyle public Facebook group.

“Dear Shannon, I am an Aries and I feel really stuck cooped up inside and slightly freaked with the pandemic. It’s my birthday, too. What can I do to help myself?” – a concerned Aries birthday girl

Thank you so much Aries birthday girl for your question. What a tough situation to befall an Aries! Your question has really got me thinking about how to help all the Aries out there. This is a tough situation for sure. Aries likes to be seen, noticed and in essence, this time is all about them! Aries is the Divine Child vibration and this is the time of the year that everything stops to take notice.

With being inside, quarantined and sheltered in place, the Aries energy cannot be free to spread their wings and fly. Aries need freedom. Their energy sparked the Revolutionary War with “Give me liberty or give me death!” That’s pretty powerful! 

You do have help from your governing planet, Mars. He happens to be slightly subdued in Capricorn learning the fine art of cooling his jets. In Capricorn, the wise elders teach the young warrior about the power of the Ancestors to help and guide. In Capricorn, there is a contraction to wait for the time to act by listening to which way the winds blow. It’s a time to go into the council of elders and ancestors, power animals and the elements. This is where all the Aries can go to connect to what type of power and action is brewing deep inside of them down to their bone marrow.

You are being called into action, not from a place of strength and impulsive courage, but more from a place of assessing the energy and knowing when is the best moment to leap. This is the energy of “measure twice, cut once.” It takes great strength to wait. It takes great courage to trust the wisdom and experiences of others.

Take your Aries fire and build something strong within you. What are your greatest gifts, skills, and talents? Master those. Turn angst into patience. Exercise a lot to burn that fuel. The reward is a strong and toned body. Practice something until you can call yourself a master of it. Seek people who have more experience. Look towards the future of your legacy. Discover what you need to become that person who makes such a great impact on the world. Breathe and go deeper. Hold the pose longer. Wait until the wind shifts. You can do it. It takes guts to become a Spirit Warrior. Thank you so much for your question and know that you have a world of unsung heroes applauding your efforts!

Send us your Question!

If you would like to send a Listener Question to be read on a future podcast, send an email to hello [at] with “Listener Question” in the subject line. Remember there are no wrong questions, send to me what is on your mind and what the frequency you would like to know.

Make sure you’re signed up on our email list so that you never miss a show. Thanks for listening and see you in two weeks for the Full Moon in Libra April 7th podcast.

WTF?!! What the Frequency
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