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Mercury in Retrograde

Episode 12: WTF! What the Frequency?! Mercury RX Summer Podcast

Today we have the Full Moon in Sagittarius “High Frequency” Cosmic downloads on the show! Shannon is opening your Higher Mind and answering a Listener’s question during this episode.


Cosmic Downloads:

Welcome to the time of the time of Mercury Retrograde once again. I am very excited to bring you this next episode to breakdown Mercury retrograde for Summer 2020. Mercury Retrograde happening at 14 to 5 degrees Cancer. The timeline for the Retrograde journey is June 17 through July 12th. But you will get the bigger picture when you also include the pre and post shadow zone periods, too.

Mercury RX Summer 2020:

  • Mercury Direct on June 2, 2020 at 5 degrees Cancer
  • Mercury Retrograde on June 17, 2020 at 14 degrees Cancer
  • Mercury Direct on July 12, 2020 at 5 degrees Cancer
  • Mercury leaves Shadow on July 27, 2020 at 15 degrees Cancer

What is the Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury retrogrades about 3 times a year with each cycle lasting about 3 weeks. Mercury retrograde is a time of slowing down, reflection and review. It’s about giving yourself lots of time to make room for obstacles, errors and blockages. 

Retrograde means to “step back” and this happens when planets slow down their speed to make an elliptical turn around the Sun. As they slow down, they appear to be moving backwards. It was an optical illusion to early astronomers who made note of these changes in the Heavens. What was really happening was as the planet in retrograde was appearing to slow down because other planets not in retrograde motion were moving faster.

What is the Mercury Shadow Zone?

The Mercury retrograde Shadow zone is the expanded length of time that the Mercury degrees are experienced. For example, with the current Mercury retrograde, the degrees that are in retrograde are 14 to 5 degrees Cancer. To configure the Shadow Zone is to look when was Mercury first at 5 degrees Cancer? The answer is June 2, 2020. The next question is, when will Mercury be at 14 degrees Cancer after the retrograde period? The answer is July 27, 2020. Take both dates: June 2nd and July 27th and you have successfully configured the Mercury RX Shadow Zone for the Summer retrograde 2020 season. Hooray!

PODCAST THEME: “Spaciousness”

Mercury RX Summer 2020 theme is a culmination of 5 degrees Cancer direct, to 14 degrees [CORRECTED] Cancer retrograde, to review 5 degrees retrograde, and finally to re-experience 14 degrees Cancer. On June 17, 2020, Mercury transcribes that the journey he is taking you on is about “Spaciousness”. You are now being tasked to make room for new worlds to born. The Earth is ready to be vital again and have a new life spring forth in a new way. Mercury gifts humanity with a new dream of brotherly-sisterly unity that can repopulate the world. There is a spirit of Destiny that is accelerating within the framework of existence. The Great Goddess Life force is present in every molecule. Humanity is tasked to call the Great Goddess into Her full power by dreaming Her into existence. Can we do this together? – is the question.

The zenith point of where you need to return to is clearing old, residual karma. You must confront everything that you have given your power away to. This means, confront your fears. This residual karma is made up from: ancestral memories, past mistakes, and collective undoings. Everything comes due as the Piper needs to be paid. How do you do this? You confront the shadows of your past with HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Dedication and perseverance are your paths to freedom now. Rescue and redeem what is most sacred and valuable to you. When the collective karmic load is this heavy (thank you Capricorn RX planets!), you must cultivate a LIFE-GIVING perspective and flush the “negativity virus” from your veins.

The Key: Become so forward-thinking to turn the past around and make any darkness luminous from within. From this place, you rise!

Moving Forward to October 2020:

The new experience with all your newfound wisdom putS together broken pieces of pottery, you strengthen the integrity of its wholeness. Just like Japanese art. Putting the pieces back together teaches you many great things. You are being called to reconstruct the old world. The greatest thing you are learning is how the mind works. Left alone and unconscious, the mind wrecks havoc and destroys even itself. See the pangs of the past and how the power of the mind in an unhealthy state created worldwide suffering. Cultivate the mind and make it field of flowers (check out Gemini New Moon’s Sabian Symbol ~ The Garden of the Tuileries!).

This Podcast episode is sponsored by Lunar Ladies Club Community

Come check out the exciting, up-leveled version of the Lunar Ladies Club on their new network! They’ve got a free Mighty Network community and a monthly secret Inner Circle to take your Soul to the next level. Exciting courses and fun ways to learn Astrology in the Inner Circle. Learn your cosmic blueprint, make new friends, and grab your spot in the Lunar Ladies Club!


This episode’s Listener Question comes to us from Lunar Ladies Lifestyle public Facebook group.

“Dear Shannon, What on earth is going on in the cosmos! I have family members that I have never met coming out of the woodwork trying to contact me as well as an ex that I thought I cut ties with many moons ago!” – Love, SC

Thank you, dear Wise woman, SC. Your question is so good! Thank you for asking and noting how interesting it is for you that these relationships are back. Retrograde season is about review and returning to things that need more attention. With this current Mercury retrograde starting in June, it’s energy is Cancer which rules the 4th House of Family. To me, this makes so much sense that family members are coming out of the woodwork!

Look at these relationships more closely. With a fine-tooth comb, see what each person brings to you in the form of more self-awareness. Who is related to who and why are they coming back around. What is their reasoning? Look at the relations and divide them in your family tree: who is from your father’s side and who is from your mother’s side? Is what they are bringing to you personally to you? Or is it more about that side of the family or even, with another member of your family. Just take note to yourself that are you right in tune with the current cosmic conditions and of course, they return during a retrograde season!

With your Ex returning, this brings in the energy of “Intimate Relationships” which points the inquiry towards Venus. Venus is now in retrograde and she is the governing planet of Libra and 7th House of Relationships. Looks like there is unfinished business between the two of you that would benefit you both by clearing it. You mentioned that you thought you had cleared this many moons ago. Well this may mean that the clearing is coming from your ex-partner. It’s possible that person may need your help to let go and bring the relationship into a big and better place of completion.

The beauty of these retrograde moments that seem to come from out of nowhere, is that they bring big gifts. Everything that happens to you is working in your favor. It is a gift from the Universe helping you to grow, shift, change and evolve. Keep pivoting your mindset towards everything and everyone as a sacred teacher coming to help and as an answer to your call. Good luck and keep us posted in the new Lunar Ladies Club community and Inner Circle as to how everything unfolds.

Send us your Question!

If you would like to send a Listener Question to be read on a future podcast, send an email to hello [at] with “Listener Question” in the subject line. Remember there are no wrong or bad questions. Just send to me what’s on your mind and what the frequency you would like to know.

Make sure you’re signed up on our email list so that you never miss a show. Thanks for listening and see you in a few days for the Cancer New Moon on June 20th Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse podcast. It’s going to be exciting! Stay tuned!

WTF?!! What the Frequency
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