This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is harvesting the abundance of suffering in the world and dissolving it with ending a cycle that no longer works for humanity as a whole. Spend time in contemplation Friday, September 16, 2016 at 12:05 PM PST. This is the moment we can tune into to receive the dissolution of our suffering and open up to a new cycle of conscious awareness of ourselves and all other Beings.
This Full Moon is especially powerful because it affects our emotional bodies on the Soul level. Our emotions are our source of power when it comes to healing, transformation and personal growth. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is traveling with the Moon and he brings to us the vibration of when we feel our pain, we can truly transcend it.
So with this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse the remedy is to really connect to your pain, limitations, struggles. Feel into the balance and beauty of growth that your relationship with pain brings. Venus in Libra is in a YOD to the Full Moon and Chiron. This means that when you can spiritually connect to the relationship of what your pain is truly all about, you can heal from it.
For some of us, a painful event catapulted us into a whole other life that brings us greater joy. Or maybe your pain became your greatest Teacher and sent you in a direction helping and being of service to others afflicted. Take this time (Full Moon week) to understand your relationship to your pain. You will discover what Paradise was lost for you and in the light of understanding you will know what Paradise is now found.
Mars is in a T-Square alignment to the Pisces-Virgo Full Moon axis. In the shadow, Mars is prompted to bring out your anger. Anger is good and it can be a source of fuel for change when it is used wisely. Don’t stay angry for too long for then it turns to rage inside. Connect to the quick flash of anger and use it as fire to burn through limitations.
Mars in the light at this time can be utilized as your Spiritual Warrior – one who is fearless in the face of pain, limitations and struggle. Let Mars lead you on your spiritual quest as you face your pain and move through it.
We may see on the Collective Level, how much pain, suffering, anger and violence we are trying to heal as a species. At this time we could easily fall prey to the deep sadness of the “Victim” archetype that Pisces in its shadow carries. Don’t allow yourself to be swallowed up by the world’s pain and suffering of all beings that we are currently experiencing. When we stand alone in this storm, we might feel pummeled by the tsunami of emotional energy that has arrived. When we stand together in solidarity, we can experience this wave of healing as if we were all on a big cruise ship and the ship sloshes with the wave but we all know that we are alright. Your mantra is, “We are all in this together.”
Notice how this energy is taking shape in current events. The #NoDAPL movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is Mars showing up to end the separation that we have created between us and others and between us and Mother Nature. As we connect to Mars in the higher vibration, Mars becomes our Champion archetype to break free of this separation from The Feminine. We can connect to her power to live our visions of Abundance and Peace with courage and compassion. Get involved with what your heart knows is right. Stand in solidarity for Mother Earth and be a part of the wave of change dissolving our collective wounds.