Leo Full “Queen’s Moon” @ 5 degrees ~ January 25, 2024, at 9:54 AM PST/12:54 PM EST
This week your Capricorn New Moon intentions from January 11, 2024, plus the seeds of your Leo New Moon intentions from August 16, 2023, are coming to fruition. What have been your messages from Spirit since then? Saturn is the ruler of this Capricorn lunar cycle. The key is when the lunar cycle comes into fruition at the Full Moon, to focus your attention on Saturn. Saturn in Pisces helps you master how to influence an ever-changing negotiation between what is to be fixed and what must remain fluid in your life.
Since August 2023, the Leo lunar experience has taken you from 23 to 5 degrees in your natal chart. This is calculated by the Leo New Moon and the Leo Full Moon. The Moon embodies the first and third decans of Leo bringing in the spiritual Mutable energy of Sagittarius. This a great energy to see the bigger picture of your life to help answer existential questions like, “Why am I here?”
The weakness in the Leo Full Moon chart comes from the Asteroid Lucifer at 17 degrees Aries. Sitting in between Chiron and the North Node, you are being asked to know when to work hard and when to rest. To move towards your goals, you have to take care of your four bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Knowing what to do to service your God-light within, is to listen carefully to what your true needs are at any given time. Lucifer says the best place to start is with your physical body and make time to rest. As you rest, you will be more able to listen to messages from your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, too. Go for it! Take a nap and feel like a champ!
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Saturn and Venus: Creative Rest
Saturn and Venus create an alliance together to help you be both creative and rested. They form a spiritual YOD to the Full Moon. The secret ingredient of this “Finger of God” YOD energy is to look at the midpoint which is opposite the Full Moon. It is the Sun in Aquarius that holds the secret power to access this high energy of love and light.
The Sun is at 5 degrees Aquarius having just brought to light the entry of Pluto into Aquarius. Pluto is the power of the Soul to transform false identities. The Sun at this degree is shining light not only on your authenticity but also on the masks that you wear in your social circles. As you take time out to explore yourself in this way, look for those who wear masks in your life, too. Are there any performers who are not being true? Take stock of how they affect you in either a positive or negative way. Make clear decisions on how you want to interact with them or not.
Saturn calls your attention to how you champion people or ideals in your community. Do you actively protect them? Take an extra moment to recognize those people or concepts in some positive way. Give shout-outs to those who are deserving of them and possibly are not getting the attention they deserve. Saturn will reward you with more spiritual enlightenment when you do.
Venus is at 2 degrees Capricorn and bringing into your awareness the beauty and value of your soul’s embodiment in this life. Venus sparks your creative energy by guiding you towards writing. Find quiet time to contemplate who you are as a Soul. Venus will reward you with an elevated awareness of the positive contributions you bring to the world just by being here now.
3rd Quarter Scorpio Week: Tap into your Psychic Awareness
The 3rd Quarter Scorpio Moon is helping you to heal and transform the ways you communicate with others. When the 3rd Quarter lunar week appears, it signals that this is the time to return to your inner core. The themes are letting go, finishing up, and reflecting upon what has transpired since the New Moon. Scorpio governs psychic intuition through the depths of your feelings, especially surrounding intimacy and trust. Look at the ways you communicate whether it is texting, emailing, or talking on the phone. Who are the people who show up in your dreams or call when you are just thinking of them? Connect and network with those trustworthy and special people in your life. This is an especially good time to share anything close to your chest with those you love and trust. Healing and transformation will come to help you feel better and be more empowered in your life moving forward into the Year of the Dragon.
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Do you need an update on your current astrological alignments? Schedule a private 1:1 reading with Shannon.
“I feel FIRE and AIR to RELEASE the power of Wisdom and PASSION into the world!
- Full Moon Phase: The Full Moon Phase brings your New Moon intentions to fruition. They become signed, sealed, and stamped. On August 16, 2023, was the Leo New Moon at 23 degrees ~ when the garden gate of desires was opened. Has your life transformed since then?
- The Leo Full Moon is the “Queen’s Moon“: January 25, 2024
- The Leo Full Moon passes through the 10th Lunar Mansion ~ “The Fountain”
- Hint: Look to your Leo and Aquarius-ruled Houses in your Natal Chart, your Sun and Uranus, plus your 5th and 11th Houses for your answers.
- The 3rd Quarter Scorpio Moon in the 18th Lunar Mansion “The Sacrifice”: February 2-8, 2024
- Next New Moon in Aquarius: February 9, 2024
- To personalized support: New Client Session or 1:1 Soul Refresh Session.
- Recommendations: Customized Astrology Reading, Natal-Progression Reading, New Client 1:1 Reading
Custom Oracle Reading$288.00
Secondary Progressions Oracle$288.00
New Client 1:1 Session$288.00
“An old-fashioned woman and a modern girl”
Awareness and wisdom arise through differentiation.
The Leo Full Moon shines an emotional light on the energy of choice. The Full Moon is asking why you choose one thing over the other. The brighter, more enlightened opportunity is to see both choices are related by what makes them different. When you bring two different choices together, you will experience wisdom and a heightened awareness that will help you in your life. Since this energy is in Leo, this new way will bring you joy and creative happiness, too.
The Aquarius Sun and the Earth complement the Full Moon by showing you how your renewed creativity can bring interesting opportunities for self-expression and delight. This degree highlights how the ancients entertained themselves and learned spiritual teachings through Mystery Plays. What rituals, sacred ceremonies, or ways do you experience spirituality in a similar what that your ancestors did? When you tap into this energy, you will no doubt have a cosmic experience!