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2020 in Review: The Path of the Retrogrades Part 1 – SUMMER

Retrograde Updates:  April 25 – October 4, 2020
Pluto, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter


The summertime Retrogrades are here to assist your evolutionary Soul to experience the transition into the Age of Aquarius. Remember as things speed up, get low, and go slow. This means ground and connect to the roots of your being. Retrogrades are a very special time when you can go inward to grow.  Slow down and enjoy that summertime feeling.

You are reconnecting to your Soul, reviewing past lives, and resolving issues that are no longer in alignment with your mission in life. Keep in mind, that everything is happening in its own unique way that is perfect for you. Declare to yourself that everything is working out better than you can imagine. When you align and listen to your Spirit-Soul, you will always find yourself in the right place at the right time. This is your time to become very intuitive so that you can trust yourself to “go with the flow” and create the life that you deserve. And that is a great one!

**Time to get out your Natal Chart. Find where Pluto, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter are retrograding. Need help? Get a reading with Shannon.**

Pluto RX 2020:

PlutoPluto Retrograde happens from April 25 to October 4, 2020. The Retrograde path is 25 to 22 degrees Capricorn. Pluto is the Soul’s evolution through time. Pluto comes into the picture to redeem and perform a Soul retrieval if need be. In the Pluto Retrograde event chart, Pluto makes a square to the Eris-Mercury conjunction. Pluto is receiving a massive change to grow from reclaiming the power of the lower mind through invoking the divine “I AM” Presence. Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Mercury is the quicksilver mind. Together they are showing you that “two levels of being” are possible. But it will require you to sign up for this evolutionary growth by stepping fully into your Soul’s “I AM”. Mercury warns within this empowered state, you may experience more gifts that you can handle. This is potent power and you will have to adjust to a new world of perception and possibilities in action. You may feel the urge to rush into this new excitement. But Mercury says to remain calm so as not to lose your bearings. Know that at this new level of being, there are limits and restrictions to be evaluated and respected.

Saturn RX 2020:

SaturnSaturn Retrograde happens from May 10 to September 28, 2020. The Retrograde path is 1 degree Aquarius to 25 degrees Capricorn. Saturn is about systems, structures, and rules. Saturn is in its home sign of Capricorn that turns up the volume of its influences. Saturn returns to the degree that Pluto is reviewing as well. Jupiter also passes through this 25th degree. This degree falls in the 3rd decan of Capricorn. This decan applies an extra layer of Virgo into the mix. Virgo is a great Analyzer, Researcher, and Critical Thinker. All in good fun to be in service to your overall well-being. Virgo energy works very hard to organize chaos. In the Saturn Retrograde event chart, the waning Moon joins the Capricorn wave of review. This is the “Grandfather’s Moon” in the Disseminating phase. This emotional energy elevates Saturn to access the wisdom needed for the future based on past life experiences. Saturn will return to Aquarius on Winter Solstice, December 20th when he conjuncts Jupiter. This is the energy of two ancient rulers, Wandering Luminaries, opening the gateways to The Waterbearer.

Between now and December 20th, 2020, you are in review to look at Saturnian structures, institutions, rules, and systems that need to fall down and crumble. Find those old 3D paradigms in your daily life, first. Then see how you can contribute higher consciousness to bring forth solutions for a better future in your community. What do you see, feel, and know that will work in 2021 as new rules to live by? Take this summer to seek wise counsel to shift, change, and evolve your points of view. This is a great time to develop new skillsets and master something that resonates with you. This can lead to new doorways opening and opportunities for your personal success.

Venus RX 2020:

VenusVenus Retrograde happens from May 12 to June 24, 2020. The Retrograde path is 21 to 5 degrees Gemini. Venus rules two signs:  Libra and Taurus. In Taurus, Venus is the goddess of abundance, delight, and earthy goodness. In Libra, Venus rules relationships, interactions, and beautifying the community. Both energies require your inner Goddess to feel worthy, deserving and valued. In the Venus Retrograde event chart, Venus makes a square to Neptune in Pisces, a sextile to the Taurus Sun, and conjunction with Vesta. Neptune reveals new truths to the creative artist within. This energy inspires the discovery of your innate, sensual emotional frequency of the mother vibration. Venus responds by amplifying the dream of men and women living in far greater harmony with the seasons of Nature. Venus traveling in Gemini inspires the Libra version of herself to let you know – it’s time to review your relationships. Vesta reminds you to be in touch with your authentic nature. Know yourself well, so that you can be at peace to see your relationships as reflections of your internal world. The Taurus Sun aligns to extend gifts from Gaia. The Sun and Earth want you to know your worth. They are giving you their high stamp of approval. Receive this first, then refine your inner world of thoughts and feelings to reconstruct your relationships. Doing this, you will come out smelling like a rose and a creative one, too!

Jupiter RX 2020:

JupiterJupiter Retrograde happens from May 14 to September 12, 2020. The Retrograde path is 27 to 17 degrees Capricorn. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and oversees your ability to optimize and see the higher truths by looking at the big picture. Jupiter expands your vision and your ability to conceive new ideas from your higher mind. In the Jupiter Retrograde event chart, Jupiter magnetizes the South Node in Sagittarius to unwind and release old, dogmatic points of view and patterns. Jupiter expands the spiritual forces within your mind to open to the light of Soul realities. Jupiter says, “Aim towards bringing joy and harmony to your consciousness!” Listen to your inner voice and develop your clairaudient abilities. The Taurus Sun and Aquarius Moon move into a waning 3rd Quarter square. This lunar phase is known as the “Heretic’s Moon”. Many highly attuned spiritual people were labeled heretics by the prevailing institutions of the Dark Ages, mainly the Church. With the South Node, the Dragon’s Tail, in the early passage of Sagittarius (29 degrees), the Sabian Symbol is “The Pope blessing the Faithful”. Keep your eyes on the Vatican and the institution of the Roman Catholic Church. Jupiter is dismantling nefarious activities that are not in alignment with the power of spiritual truth in this institutional domain.

Next Retrogrades are Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, and Neptune –
Part 2 SUMMER – WINTER 2020

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